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Author Topic: Call volume;
the bearhunter
Member # 3552

Icon 1 posted February 17, 2013 07:42 PM      Profile for the bearhunter           Edit/Delete Post 
and you go so S.D., why.. you stupid ignorant fuck!!

Yeah we have a fare amount cause we manage them so we have just as many for the next season.

another T.A. post for the archives

Posts: 1049 | From: minnifornia | Registered: Jan 2010  |  IP: Logged
prefers the bunny hugger pronunciation: ky o tee
Member # 72

Icon 1 posted February 17, 2013 07:42 PM      Profile for Krustyklimber   Email Krustyklimber         Edit/Delete Post 

I knew you couldn't leave this alone...

Considering you're still making the same spelling mistakes, you obviously didn't take the time to read and/or comprehend much of what I took a great deal of time and care to write. Your loss.

You state that you don't bother with instruction manuals, because you think you're smarter than that.
You need to go back and re-read that sound levels thread, because in it Nikon and I showed that the meter you BORROWED doesn't have a wide enough range of monitored frequencies...

N "
The frequency range is very limited, 31.5Hz to 8KHz, far less than even a human can hear.

Kk "
A coyote cannot hear what your meter can!

*Though in hindsight we did learn that a canine's hearing may be a bit wider range than the information I first found and quoted... BUT!

Whatever meter whoever uses will have to be able to monitor ALL of the frequencies in question, and the entire range of frequencies in canine hearing, not just part of them (as yours did).

You've already more than proven you're full of shit... you don't need any help from me.

What we need, or what Kokopelli desires, is someone honest and intelligent to do this test in a controlled manner, in the terrain and conditions he and I mentioned. You and I are far to connected with the issue, and our personal bullshit, to do that *You're obviously not smart (or unbiased) enough, and I'm pretty far from a dry lake bed or a frozen lake here. [Wink]

And I doubt any of these imaginary members using dB(a) meters would come to you aid, because you've dissed them over and over (*as you have pretty much all call makers).

Don't be a chickenshit, name them... but I suspect, just like you couldn't name anyone who has calls I made but were unwilling to use them (because they were substandard), I suspect you can't and won't name these supposed "members" either.

I'm gonna have to call bullshit on you, on that one too.

TA "As far as Krusty, no I don't have any agenda just trying to give others a understanding of how sound travels...

You can't give away something you don't have. [Wink]

And I disagree, and still believe, that everything you post is agenda based.

Once again, you've shown how little you know about me, but, that you're more than willing to make it up as you go. [Roll Eyes]

I am an avid and accomplished waterfowler (both as a caller and a shooter). I've proven to be a proficient, though somewhat reluctant, deer hunter, as well. I've hunted pheasant, more than proficiently, too *even "guided" a few youth hunts, ending up with very happy kids at the end of them.

I'm not lazy, I tried explaining that to you (nicely) before... but you're too stupid to read and comprehend that.

I was here before you were, and I'll be here long after you finally get a clue that you're not part of this community (as long as you continue to be an unbending island unto yourself).

And, again, your reading comprehension falls short again... I just told you I have called coyotes, I just don't have a great record of killing them (*and that's not all my fault, not to lay it on Red, or any of my other calling partners, but I didn't miss 'em all myself, and there were more than a few we hit and never recovered).

And despite my bad back, and the fact that I can barely walk some days, I have been calling several times lately (with my camera) *in the only place I've ever been with fewer coyotes than we had back home.
I don't brag about my hunts the way you do, but I haven't done too bad here.

TA "you make some calls but IMO they are'nt that great...

Once again you are twisting the facts (or your opinion) and ignoring and contradicting your own previous statements...

TA "Krusty: I just got home from camp-out and found the package sitting on the table from you. I played a few notes through it and was really surprised. I like it and willbe carrying it with me when i'm out calling. Job well done sir and i tip my hat to you." *1

TA " I was out useing the call today Krusty. I like it alot and i will continue to use it. My THANKS to you." *2

Well... we can see how much "down the road" value there is in your thanks, and your opinions, can't we. [Roll Eyes]

*And don't accuse me of making that shit up, like you have in the past! My integrity is a lot higher than that.... and don't go editing it either, because I'll provide links to those threads at the end of my post.

TA "Never heard of anyone winning a calling contest with one."

Neither have I, nor do I give a fat rat's ass.

I don't care about calling contests, I care about the hundred and hundreds of coyotes killed by happy customers and recipients of gifted calls. [Smile]

*But, Tyler Higgins did use his dad's call to place 9th in the world calling contest, and that's nothing to sneeze at.

You're the only one with enough gall to bitch about the gift you received in the spirit of friendship *after you accepted it with the same spirit.
You do so out of spite, now, and that just shows how dishonest and immature you are.

Let's not forget... "A poor workman blames his tools". [Wink]

C "I've lost count of the number of threads I've just walked away from reading, let alone posting on, because Tim was there. You have framed the issues involving Tim quite well.

You see Tim I'm not alone in feeling like you have worn out your welcome here.

Even those, like Lance, that may share the opinions you have on volume, can't stand your bullshit anymore.

As for why I still hang out here, it's because I learned to tone down my own bullshit, and my friends here welcome me, for my insight, my honesty, my pluck, and my ability to take it all in stride and try to be a better person... most of all, I believe, when comparing myself to you, for my humility.

To quote one of my favorite songs, "I know I'm stupid, so I must be smarter than you!" [Wink]





Think about how stupid the average person is, then realize that half of them are stupider than that!

Posts: 1912 | From: Deep in the Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia | Registered: Jan 2003  |  IP: Logged
Hello, I'm the legendary Tim Anderson, Field Marshall, Southern Minneesota Sector
Member # 794

Icon 1 posted February 17, 2013 08:31 PM      Profile for TA17Rem   Email TA17Rem         Edit/Delete Post 
Considering you're still making the same spelling mistakes, you obviously didn't take the time to read and/or comprehend much of what I took a great deal of time and care to write.
Most of what you wrote is B.S. so I used the ignor feature by simply looking on, not that hard to do,,LOL

because in it Nikon and I showed that the meter you BORROWED doesn't have a wide enough range of monitored frequencies...
Wide enough for what we need to know and thats calling coyotes.

A coyote cannot hear what your meter can!

Then a coyote cannot hear the sounds played on a E-caller, cause thats what its reading..
For those not familur with a sound meter it works very simular to Goldwave, check it out..

Whatever meter whoever uses will have to be able to monitor ALL of the frequencies in question, and the entire range of frequencies in canine hearing, not just part of them (as yours did).

Once again it picks up everything goldwave does if the meter is missing a certian high level or low level part of a sound so is goldwave when you edit your sounds to put on a F-P caller..
So in other words the meter is picking up what the caller puts out and thats what I base my findings on..

You've already more than proven you're full of shit
You have'nt tried the meter with E-caller sounds and volume settings so you proved nothing, just grasping at empty straws once again..

I'm pretty far from a dry lake bed or a frozen lake here.

You don't have to be. The test here was done to simulate the areas I call in and the results are for more open areas, same canbe done in a wooded area but I can tell you not a whole lot is going to change much other than structure reduceing some of the sound or may help the sound to carry better farther down range like in valleys and such, but most of us already know that just not how much...

And I doubt any of these imaginary members using dB(a) meters would come to you aid, because you've dissed them over and over (*as you have pretty much all call makers).

Nope just you as I don't consider you a call maker but more of a wantabe if anything..
Your just pissed cause I don't use your call.
Instead I use Arky's calls along with Jerry H.,Rich C., my own and also a call made from antler by a guy from Texas, I think he goes by J.W. on some boards, and E.L.K. calls, and a few calls from Alaska as well as a few store bought calls.

just like you couldn't name anyone who has calls I made but were unwilling to use them (because they were substandard), I suspect you can't and won't name these supposed "members" either.
No I won't, but I thought it was kind of funny when I saw them laying at the bottom of some box filled with other calls twice..LOL
I remember at one of the camp outs,Higgy was walking around with one of your calls with one reed removed, not much talk about it..LOL We hunted together a day or so later, guess what?? I did'nt see the call on his laynard or in his hand the whole time we hunted.. Thought that was kinda funny as well..Ha ha ha

And I disagree, and still believe, that everything you post is agenda based.

Nope! Just chit-chat to pass the time... [Smile]

I am an avid and accomplished waterfowler (both as a caller and a shooter).

Ducks and geese was my bread and butter before coyotes and I can tell you are neither of which you just claimed. If you was you would of been a much better coyote caller.. [Roll Eyes]

Once again you are twisting the facts (or your opinion) and ignoring and contradicting your own previous statements...

TA "Krusty: I just got home from camp-out and found the package sitting on the table from you. I played a few notes through it and was really surprised. I like it and willbe carrying it with me when i'm out calling. Job well done sir and i tip my hat to you." *1

I was just strokeing your ego, which rubbed off from hanging out over on P.M.. (good turn) LOL

You're the only one with enough gall to bitch about the gift you received in the spirit of friendship
Where do you come up with this shit? We where never friends. I did you a favor and you did one back, nothing more nothing less. I do favors for people all the time "Just ask leonard or Geordie"..

To quote one of my favorite songs
Mine is "Another one bites the dust" hey hey!
and #16,8,6,4 from the "Eagle sound track".. [Big Grin]

What if I told you, the left wing and right wing both belong to same bird!

Posts: 5064 | From: S.D. | Registered: Jan 2006  |  IP: Logged
prefers the bunny hugger pronunciation: ky o tee
Member # 72

Icon 1 posted February 17, 2013 10:56 PM      Profile for Krustyklimber   Email Krustyklimber         Edit/Delete Post 
TA "Most of what you wrote is B.S. so I used the ignor feature by simply looking on, not that hard to do,,LOL"

CS "Great posts, Krusty. You're well spoken and have a great way with words. You're writing style is impeccable.

C "Very well put, K. ...You have framed the issues involving Tim quite well.

TB "well said guys!! :)i too have seen the light..."

It looks like you're alone in thinking what I wrote was bullshit.

What you chose to do is ignore what I wrote... and that's ignorant.

TA "For those not familur with a sound meter it works very simular to Goldwave, check it out.."

The words are "familiar" and "similar"...

And no the meter doesn't work anything like Goldwave, it only measures decibels, not frequencies or spectral input/outputs.

TA "Once again it picks up everything goldwave does if the meter is missing a certian high level or low level part of a sound so is goldwave"

The word is "certain"...

Goldwave's range of frequencies goes from 20 hertz to 20 kilohertz, about the range of human hearing...

Your meter... "The frequency range is very limited, 31.5Hz to 8KHz" which is far short of Goldwave's frequency capabilities.

TA "So in other words the meter is picking up what the caller puts out and thats what I base my findings on.."

No your findings are incorrect, because your meter doesn't pick up much of the full spectral range of an e-caller or a handcall.

Your meter is "hearing impaired" just like you.'re wrong, again.

TA "You have'nt tried the meter with E-caller sounds and volume settings so you proved nothing..."

I don't have to try the meter, all I have to do is pick apart your statements, proving you have no clue what you're doing... which is really easy.

TA "I don't consider you a call maker but more of a wantabe if anything.."

The word is "wannabe".

Your opinion of what I am carries no weight.

Callers that actually use handcalls I've made them, and other prominent call makers, consider my work to be excellent.

Red always says "you can't mess with results" and hundreds of dead predators are results you can't deny or degrade.

I'm proud of my accomplishments, as a call maker.

You... will never change that.

TA "Your just pissed cause I don't use your call."

Nope, I'm actually glad you don't... it might actually produce for you, and I don't want that.

I was pissed that you gave your word, and then went back on it. And I'm actually over that part of all this.

I can make more, and I do.

I think you're pissed, and jealous, that other people love 'em. lol [Wink]

TA "No I won't, but I thought it was kind of funny when I saw them laying at the bottom of some box filled with other calls twice..LOL

Without proof, this is just another one of your juvenile tantrums, and a fabrication at best.

Man up, and say who it is, or shut the fuck up.

I know there are people who feel that the calls I made them are too "nice" to take hunting... maybe that's the case here, and you're making up reasons of your own?

Either way, I don't believe you.

TA "I remember at one of the camp outs,Higgy was walking around with one of your calls with one reed removed, not much talk about it..

Again, you're just making shit up, based on nothing having been said to you... here's what Rich had to say about his call;

RH "Subtle elegance is the only way I can think to describe this call. It reminds me of an English Leather advertisement. The simplistic design belies the thought and time that was obviously invested in this piece.
I know that you put a little heart and soul into this call. I'll bet it was hard to part with it. It will be valued and appreciated.

And, Rich's opinion hasn't changed like yours has, he told me a couple weeks ago "the call is a favorite" of his, and we're in the process of getting those reeds replaced.

I stand behind my work.

And unlike I do with you, I believe what Rich says.

Kk "I am an avid and accomplished waterfowler (both as a caller and a shooter)."

TA "I can tell you are neither of which you just claimed.

What are you, now, a fucking psychic?

Maybe this will help...


A friend of mine, and myself... I got my limit and he was one bird shy of his.
I did all the calling, I set up the dekes, and it was my honey hole and blind (*where I trapped beavers for the landowner).

Red and I limited out, almost every hunt, all season long, it was awesome;


I can't believe you, of all people, would question my honesty.

And while the ability to use (and tune) a duck call did help with the learning curve of using predator calls, the two types of hunting are very different. I personally think that bass fishing, and the way that understanding how "structure" applies, was more helpful.

I bet you couldn't buy a coyote in Western Washington, and I'm sure Kokopelli will back me up on how difficult a task that really was.

But you'll just come up with some lame excuse for why you'd never try.

TA "I was just strokeing your ego...

So... now you're admitting, again, that you're a liar?

I don't think so. As Rich stated in the thread about his call;

RH "You know what you made for me."

And... I know what I made for you, too.

Kk "It's not very often I accept praise for my work, without a fight, but this time I am inclined to agree with you guys.

TA got a really good one.

TA "Where do you come up with this shit? We where never friends."

It's all too clear, at this point, that I was mistaken.

But, just like Bofire once told me, after discussing politics ruined the ride home after a wonderful day of hunting... "I won't let you off the hook that easily, we're still friends."

I hope someday we can put all this petty shit behind us, and be, or at least act like, friends.

Lord knows I've tried, and He knows that you aren't trying... and you'll have to deal with Him on your own, and I don't envy you that.

You're a pitiful man, Tim Anderson, and I can't help but feel sorry for you (*and your wife).

Go away.


[ February 17, 2013, 10:57 PM: Message edited by: Krustyklimber ]

Think about how stupid the average person is, then realize that half of them are stupider than that!

Posts: 1912 | From: Deep in the Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia | Registered: Jan 2003  |  IP: Logged
Member # 6

Icon 1 posted February 17, 2013 11:07 PM      Profile for Frank   Author's Homepage   Email Frank         Edit/Delete Post 
Interesting read.

If either one of you guys want an explanation of how to make meaningful measurements I can do that for you. Keep in mind that measurements in and of themselves have little meaning until you relate them to real world events/physics.

I'm not trying to dis anybody here....just want to give a little insight into what's happening.

I used to work metrology fixing and calibrating the same meters and instruments you guys are talking about.

I would have written a response here but it would be too long.....much easier to just speak it than to write email me and I'll send you my phone number and we can talk about what's really happening. (

"Truth is no prostitute, that throws herself away upon those who do not desire her; she is rather so coy a beauty that he who sacrifices everything to her cannot even then be sure of her favor".

Posts: 644 | From: North Dakota | Registered: Jan 2003  |  IP: Logged
Prune Picker
AR Forum Assistant Moderator-handgun GURU and dispenser of sage advice
Member # 4107

Icon 1 posted February 17, 2013 11:19 PM      Profile for Prune Picker   Author's Homepage           Edit/Delete Post 
Krusty, i am in need of a call to use on bobcats and coyotes. I am buying the bison howler from Mr Cronk (Rich) and would like one of yours also. "I" think i want something along the lines of a cottontail or rodent distress call. Can you offer a suggestion(s)? I am hunting in central/southern Okla. Thanks


Posts: 1265 | From: "Oklahomie" | Registered: Mar 2012  |  IP: Logged
Hello, I'm the legendary Tim Anderson, Field Marshall, Southern Minneesota Sector
Member # 794

Icon 1 posted February 18, 2013 12:06 AM      Profile for TA17Rem   Email TA17Rem         Edit/Delete Post 
I hope someday we can put all this petty shit behind us, and be, or at least act like, friends.

I put it behind me a long time ago and you on the other hand keep popping back in and bringing up your B.S.. You seem to have a hard time of just letting it go, but hey I like to play along as it keeps me busy.
As for friends I doubt it as we have nothing in common....
I see you joined up over on Higgy's board, maybe you and clever Gary can be budds..LOL

What if I told you, the left wing and right wing both belong to same bird!

Posts: 5064 | From: S.D. | Registered: Jan 2006  |  IP: Logged
prefers the bunny hugger pronunciation: ky o tee
Member # 72

Icon 1 posted February 18, 2013 02:21 AM      Profile for Krustyklimber   Email Krustyklimber         Edit/Delete Post 

I totally appreciate the offer, and your experienced insight, but it's a moot point for me.

Tim is the one using his meter incorrectly, and then making assumptions and erroneous conclusions (I guess, to validate his methodology).

F "Keep in mind that measurements in and of themselves have little meaning until you relate them to real world events/physics."

That's what I've been saying all along ...calls, and speakers, are simple machines and they operate on physics. [Smile]
Physics has a set of laws and not even Tim and his WT, or his meter, can change or break these laws.

I tell you what though, I'll gladly defer any further discussions and corrections of proper or improper use of decibel meters and conclusions thereof, to you... since I've had more than enough.

Somehow I doubt Tim will admit to being wrong, or accept your offer...and it looks like I was right. [Roll Eyes]


My first suggestion... You can't go wrong with Haydel's Govt Rabbit. [Wink]

In general though, I make open reed calls that will cover a wide range of sounds, from squeaks to deer grunts, providing the caller has the skills to use one.

I think Andy summed it up pretty well;

Andy " Great tone and wide range of use. Rabbit, bird, barks, howls, ki yis, no problem."

I've got a couple calls that are ready to go to the engraver, and several more in the works, or we can start from scratch.
We just have to figure out what (color) wood you like, a rough estimate of the size of the call, and make it happen.

Shoot me an e-mail at jeffsavoie768 at and we'll work out the details.

Thanks for asking. [Smile]


What part of "go away" did you fail to understand?


Think about how stupid the average person is, then realize that half of them are stupider than that!

Posts: 1912 | From: Deep in the Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia | Registered: Jan 2003  |  IP: Logged
2,000th post PAKMAN
Member # 112

Icon 1 posted February 18, 2013 07:43 AM      Profile for Rich   Author's Homepage   Email Rich         Edit/Delete Post 
I know absolutely NOTHING about decibel meters other than the fact that they measure how loud a sound is. One thing I am good at is judging how good a predator call sounds I have to say that the double reed call that Krusty made for me sounds exactly like a jackrabbit. I know that coyotes don't usually care about sound quality of a distress scream, but I do.

If you call the coyotes in close, you won't NEED a high dollar range finder.

Posts: 2854 | From: Iowa | Registered: Feb 2003  |  IP: Logged
Chris S
"SPECIAL ACCOUNT" HM's Facebook page moderator & runs with scissors
Member # 3888

Icon 14 posted February 18, 2013 08:09 AM      Profile for Chris S           Edit/Delete Post 
Krusty's double stacked reed isn't everyone's bag. It's purely a distress reed and it has a very unique, many faceted, sound with the material Krusty uses. You can stroke a howl out of it with the double reed but you're best off using it to cry with. That's where the double reed shines.

If memory serves, Rich Higgins chose to use the single reed because of the amazing pup distress that he and Tyler could do with it.(from memory, I could be wrong, but doubt it)

TA, I wouldn't discount Gary C's knowledge; he shoots more coyotes with a shotgun in 2 weekends than you shoot in 2 seasons. He may have a low tolerance for ignorance and be somewhat brusque, but you could and probably have benefited from his knowledge on e-calls and coyotes in general.
Different areas, differing circumstances but using some of his techniques could put one or two more on the ground. You can't argue with results. (But you will because you're a troglodyte)

[ February 18, 2013, 08:20 AM: Message edited by: Chris S ]

Posts: 534 | From: Oakland County, MI USA Earth | Registered: Jul 2011  |  IP: Logged
Wears wife's pink panties under his camo for good luck. (yeah, right!)
Member # 3785

Icon 1 posted February 18, 2013 09:26 AM      Profile for DiYi           Edit/Delete Post 
Here he's 'calling'.
"Come here,Come here"
"Move Bertha,Move"

[ February 18, 2013, 09:27 AM: Message edited by: DiYi ]

Posts: 623 | From: SoDak | Registered: Feb 2011  |  IP: Logged
Chris S
"SPECIAL ACCOUNT" HM's Facebook page moderator & runs with scissors
Member # 3888

Icon 1 posted February 18, 2013 09:57 AM      Profile for Chris S           Edit/Delete Post 
DiYi, great video and great song [Smile]
Posts: 534 | From: Oakland County, MI USA Earth | Registered: Jul 2011  |  IP: Logged
Member # 2

Icon 1 posted February 18, 2013 11:00 AM      Profile for Leonard   Author's Homepage   Email Leonard         Edit/Delete Post 
Is Professor Higgins still around? I heard he retired to a monastery in Tibet. There, to perfect his communication skills with ki yotes. Before entering his "Cone Of Silence" he distinctly said; I will return, (much like Buddha sitting under his tree of know ledge) decked out in his camo loin cloth and Mesphistos. He will always be my hero. And, I am not alone.

Good hunting. El Bee

PS Clever Gary, not so much.

EL BEE Knows It All and Done It All.
Don't piss me off!

Posts: 31462 | From: Upland, CA | Registered: Jan 2003  |  IP: Logged
Chris S
"SPECIAL ACCOUNT" HM's Facebook page moderator & runs with scissors
Member # 3888

Icon 1 posted February 18, 2013 11:14 AM      Profile for Chris S           Edit/Delete Post 
We all have personality disorders of some sort or we wouldn't be here, or over at PHF.
I look past the messenger and try to glean the actual message. Some ppl are perpetually stuck in the box and parrot the parrots. I look for ppl that have escaped the box and think freely, evil or not, that free thinking and thought screams knowledge.

Posts: 534 | From: Oakland County, MI USA Earth | Registered: Jul 2011  |  IP: Logged
SENIOR DISCOUNT & Dispenser of Sage Advice
Member # 633

Icon 1 posted February 18, 2013 11:15 AM      Profile for Kokopelli   Author's Homepage           Edit/Delete Post 
Calling coyotes in Western Wash????
That brings back memories...........all bad.
When I was on a 4 on 4 off work schedule in Olympia I could go a few miles from home and call vast areas of timber property. Everything from old growth to clearcuts. Pretty much an exercise in futility.
I could drive a whole bunch of hours down to North-Eastern Ore. and actually kill coyotes.

Krusty, you mentioned bass fishing; I grew up wading in a river in Mich. with a fishing pole in at least one hand. Got so I could glance up or down the river and have a pretty good idea where structure held fish. I'm not sure if that background has helped my calling or not but when it came time to set traps for coyotes in sand washes I sure felt right at home.

Honesty compels me to admit that not all memories from Wash. are bad. Just most of them. A varmint call during early archery deer season was basically meat in the freezer.

And lo, the Light of the Trump shown upon the Darkness and the Darkness could not comprehend it.

Posts: 7580 | From: Under a wandering star | Registered: Apr 2005  |  IP: Logged
Member # 2

Icon 1 posted February 18, 2013 11:31 AM      Profile for Leonard   Author's Homepage   Email Leonard         Edit/Delete Post 
smithers, we all have our heros. I ran hunt contests for the CSVCA for more than ten years and clever Gary was a fairly regular participant. I do not remember a single time that he ever turned in an animal on those State Hunts?

If he has photos of critters these days, he has gained vast knowledge from when I knew him? More power to him, but he was an also ran, never a factor, back in the day and that's why I am unconvinced.

Admittedly, shotgunning coyotes in California is relatively unexplored territory. This is generally wide open rifle country. Maybe that's my problem since I don't start thinking about shotguns until I get to Arizona?

Good hunting. El Bee

EL BEE Knows It All and Done It All.
Don't piss me off!

Posts: 31462 | From: Upland, CA | Registered: Jan 2003  |  IP: Logged
Chris S
"SPECIAL ACCOUNT" HM's Facebook page moderator & runs with scissors
Member # 3888

Icon 1 posted February 18, 2013 12:22 PM      Profile for Chris S           Edit/Delete Post 
Leonard, it's nothing to do with heroes, it's about their outside the box thinking that is of interest and whatever Gary's performance in contests past are of no interest to me.
Gary currently clubs them in tight cover with a shotgun when, as you mentioned, it's wide open country and Rich H rarely shoots them, he observes the coyotes and learns from them.
I don't hero worship them but I'm intrigued by, and can appreciate the methods they employ to lure coyotes.

[ February 18, 2013, 12:24 PM: Message edited by: Chris S ]

Posts: 534 | From: Oakland County, MI USA Earth | Registered: Jul 2011  |  IP: Logged
Lone Howl
Free Trial Platinum Member & part-time language police
Member # 29

Icon 1 posted February 18, 2013 12:54 PM      Profile for Lone Howl   Email Lone Howl         Edit/Delete Post 
Speaking of hero worshipping, every predator caller and thier mother is trying to get a TV show nowdays. Is it just me...or is every predator hunting show on television/you tube or whatever boring as shit? Seems to me that the predator calling craze sort of peaked and declining already?

Then again, maybe its me who is bored with schlepping coyotes back to the truck?


When tyranny becomes law, rebellion becomes duty.

Posts: 2083 | From: Texas | Registered: Jan 2003  |  IP: Logged
SENIOR DISCOUNT & Dispenser of Sage Advice
Member # 633

Icon 1 posted February 18, 2013 02:50 PM      Profile for Kokopelli   Author's Homepage           Edit/Delete Post 
The shows are boring because they start out at a pre-coyote 101 level and stay that way until the fist pumping starts. It's rare that any show offers any of the how or why. Product placement on the other hand is rampant. I can't recall too many predator shows or videos that I've watched and thought `I want to give that a try`.

And lo, the Light of the Trump shown upon the Darkness and the Darkness could not comprehend it.

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Chris S
"SPECIAL ACCOUNT" HM's Facebook page moderator & runs with scissors
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Icon 1 posted February 18, 2013 03:27 PM      Profile for Chris S           Edit/Delete Post 
Cal's video is one that I watched and thought I'd like to try that.
If Kelly Jackson would post more videos... I'd be all over those.
I'd pay some money to watch Scott Huber call in and kill coyotes.

Posts: 534 | From: Oakland County, MI USA Earth | Registered: Jul 2011  |  IP: Logged
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Icon 1 posted February 18, 2013 05:48 PM      Profile for TundraWookie           Edit/Delete Post 
This surely has been a doozy of a thread, of course muddied the most by Timmy.

I appreciate the nomination to do some testing on the callers. If someone has a specific meter that they'd like me to try and find to use, let me know. I'd be happy to test out a few e-callers in various conditions. A frozen lake on a calm, cold morning would be a good test. Frank, if I can get a meter, I'll give you a call to discuss some further details.

What I find funny is Timmy saying that Goldwave captures the same sounds that the meter does. How do you know tiny Tim? Are you using Goldwave to record the same sounds you tested with your sound meter? How'd that work out with your MA-21?

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Hello, I'm the legendary Tim Anderson, Field Marshall, Southern Minneesota Sector
Member # 794

Icon 1 posted February 18, 2013 06:15 PM      Profile for TA17Rem   Email TA17Rem         Edit/Delete Post 
How'd that work out with your MA-21?
Pretty good actually.. Too bad you don't have one just like it... [Big Grin]

What if I told you, the left wing and right wing both belong to same bird!

Posts: 5064 | From: S.D. | Registered: Jan 2006  |  IP: Logged
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Icon 1 posted February 18, 2013 06:26 PM      Profile for Frank   Author's Homepage   Email Frank         Edit/Delete Post 
This could get long if I let it but here's some things t think about:

The following graphic is the frequency response of a microphone I picked out at random]htt p://]

The ideal would be a straight line from one side to the other. That would mean the microphone resonse to sound at different frequencies would be very accurate. Any up and down movement of the line represents a less than ideal response.

This microphone signal is then fed into a meter. The meter itself also has a frequency response and that also has to be considered. We call that an End to End value where all things that contribute are added together to come up with the final frequency response of the system.

So, assuming you have a system that is flat across the frequency range of interest, you then make a measurement of sound volume. If your system is good enough you can be pretty sure you're getting an accurate sound level reading within the range of frequencies the system is capable of.

But at what frequencies does the sound contain all its power? That's the kind of discrimination a sound meter can't give only know the sound power or level is happening within the frequency range of the system.

To really analyze the sound you need to know at what frequencies the sound is being generated. From that you do what is called a Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) this gives you the frequency components of the sound. You then do a Power Spectral Density (PSD) on the sound to see at what frequency the sound power resides.

OK, so once that is done you can compare this reading to actual voice from a wounded animal or the like.

Then you compare this reading with the remote caller's output and see what you get.

This would tell you how faithful the player is reproducing the actual screams of the animal. You could see what frequencies comprise the sound and where the power is within those frequencies.

I've never seen a graph of the sounds coming from an animal so can't really say for sure but my guess is most animal vocalizations will happen within the range of human hearing. So that begs the question: If your system responds to 30,000HZ does it really help? I'd say no, probly not.

The interesting thing about a hand call is you got no electronics so what is put out as sound is as pure as it gets. But with the hand call, realism is up to the caller. We used to judge calling contests and I always judged on realism.

There's allot more to this for sure but what would you get out of doing a scientific study? Well, you'd get allot of cost for probly little gain. Then, too, how would you judge efficacy of one call over another or one sound over another?

Your sample size would have to be enormous and that's probly not possible in a realistic sense.

The old timers can tell you what works without having to invest millions in sound research.

I can say one thing for sure....I've never had any luck whatsoever with quail sounds. Don't know why but they've never worked for me. That's an example of real world experience that don't cost a whole lot.

[ February 18, 2013, 06:35 PM: Message edited by: Frank ]

"Truth is no prostitute, that throws herself away upon those who do not desire her; she is rather so coy a beauty that he who sacrifices everything to her cannot even then be sure of her favor".

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Icon 1 posted February 18, 2013 06:26 PM      Profile for TundraWookie           Edit/Delete Post 
Pretty good actually.. Too bad you don't have one just like it...
I probably have multiples Timmy, so get over yourself. If it's the meter, then I can get that too, but better. [Smile]
Posts: 857 | From: Alaska | Registered: Dec 2006  |  IP: Logged
prefers the bunny hugger pronunciation: ky o tee
Member # 72

Icon 1 posted February 18, 2013 10:17 PM      Profile for Krustyklimber   Email Krustyklimber         Edit/Delete Post 

As always, your praise of the call I made you is greatly appreciated. I couldn't ask for a better testimonial than that, or from a better source.
Once again you've set a wonderful example for myself and others to follow.


Same goes for you, not many people meet your level of vocalized satisfaction for my work or my generosity, and that makes it all the more worthwhile.

And while I'm at it I should thank Tim... every time he bitches about the call I made him, it inspires people to contradict his "opinions" ...but I won't.

He probably sells way more Krusty Kriers, FoxPro's, and Minaska's, than he ever has WT's. lol [Wink]

If my memory serves me correctly, Higgins was "messing with" his reeds and accidentally broke the top petal.
Canine/pup distress (IMO) is where the double-stacked Lexan reeds really excel.

I often state and you reiterate the double-stacked reeds aren't everyone's cup of tea. Leonard and Tom both like their calls better with a single reed and they like 'em a lot. [Smile]

And while you're correct that howling isn't the best thing these calls can do, with the double-stacked reed, I've recently made a very slight change that makes them more conducive to howling (*but I can't give away all my trade secrets). [Razz]


P.S. I'll e-mail you that "secret". [Wink]

Think about how stupid the average person is, then realize that half of them are stupider than that!

Posts: 1912 | From: Deep in the Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia | Registered: Jan 2003  |  IP: Logged

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