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Posted by Lonny (Member # 19) on July 30, 2015, 01:39 PM:
I've only caught blurbs of this story and frankly don't give a rat's ass about the lion and not much more than that about the guy who did it, but but can this story get much more stupid?

If a plane-load of handicapped elementary school kids crashed into the side of a mountain, and the pilot was texting and drunk, it probably wouldn't get anymore press than Ol'Cecil's death.

Now I see where the White House is going to look into having the guy extradited to Zimbabwe due to the mass amount people signing the petition???

We've reached new levels of stupidity with the press...
Posted by Lone Howl (Member # 29) on July 30, 2015, 01:49 PM:
....meanwhile, fetus parts are going for 100 bucks a pop...but nobody cares.
Posted by Leonard (Member # 2) on July 30, 2015, 02:12 PM:
People are (insert proper word) insane, stupid, emotional, manipulated, Disney world view, etc. etc.

First of all the guy gets his rocks off in weird ways, apparently?

$55,000 to shoot a male lion with a friggin' crossbow?

If some of the reports are true, they dragged spoor from within a sanctuary to private property.

....and, the dude DIDN'T KNOW? Right?

Is there a law against it? Might not be, who knows, but is it ethical?

Other than that, it's a valid point abut the money going towards conservation. Ask any bunnyhugger for $5.50 to support wildlife and you won't get it.

But, that's your hysterical NEWS MEDIA, blowing all this shit out of proportion.

Seriously, talking about extraditing the poor schmuck? His business is already closed, he will never be welcome in polite society again.

And, for what? Mark my words, folks. One day, they are coming for us. Google Coyote Project

Good hunting. El Bee
Posted by knockemdown (Member # 3588) on July 30, 2015, 02:27 PM:
Haven't seen the evidence, but who's to say ol' cecil wasn't making a sweep thru his territory that fell outside the park boundary?

By nature, adult male cats are some roamin' azz mo-fos. Couldn't it be feasible that the guide knew the big cat's routine, had a fresh bait station set for when the lion made another loop???

IMHO, that ain't poachin', that's good guiding. Heck, don't hunters prowl the boundaries of 'no hunting' areas to capitalize when animals move off to where they can legally be whacked?

I'd sooner believe something like that, over buying into the sheer dumbassery that would be required, if the pablum spewed from media outlets were accurate.

But then again, the # of dumbasses currently sharing our air seems to be at an all time high?

[ July 30, 2015, 02:29 PM: Message edited by: knockemdown ]
Posted by Leonard (Member # 2) on July 30, 2015, 02:37 PM:
Posted by Fur_n_Dirt (Member # 4467) on July 30, 2015, 05:26 PM:
I'm amazed just how screwed this guy is...

The Internet has shown how human nature works!
Posted by Leonard (Member # 2) on July 30, 2015, 07:53 PM:
It's a fine line, Fur. There was a guy on TV talking about it yesterday, and his version was, "well, just to chop the head off and not eat it?" I'm more of a trophy hunter than a meat hunter, personally, but it's a big fucking tent!

I'm cautious about slamming anybody, if it's legal. And, we really don't know?

Good hunting. El Bee
Posted by Lonny (Member # 19) on July 31, 2015, 07:29 AM:
Forgive me, but I get most of what news I can stomach to read, from my daily newspaper.

Todays little blurb, in the world news section, is titled; "Zimbabwean baffled by foreign concern for killed lion"

Eunice Vhunise (whoever the hell she is) is quoted as saying; "It's cruel, but I don't understand the whole fuss, there are so many pressing issues in Zimbabwe-we have water shortages, no electricity, and no jobs-yet people are making noise about a lion."

My guess is they would happily sell truckloads of lions for 50K each.
Posted by booger (Member # 3602) on July 31, 2015, 07:47 AM:
I think the bunny huggers have no idea how much trophy fees are pumped into the economies of the poor African nations where most of those animals reside.

The people over there are really confusing the libtards here as they say that by having a quota of lion tags and having rich dudes hunt them, they actually have MORE lions than they would if they were not hunted. Conservation and habitat issues fly over the heads of those that don't know the difference between a lion and a tiger.

My issue with this is not the killing of 'ol Cecil, but the ethics of the whole deal. From what I understand, Cecil was almost tame, and had a blaze orange collar a blind man could see. I think the reports are that the Cecil ran around for 40 hours with a crossbow bolt in him before he succumbed...true? I don't know, just something I heard.

I hammer ethics into my Hunter Ed ethics are unique to me, and I stress that everything that may be legal, may not be ethical...doesn't mean it's wrong, it just may be wrong to me but not someone else.

As Lone Howl indicates, we have more damn concern for a lion 10,000 miles away than we do for the atrocities being committed by Planned Parenthood.

[ July 31, 2015, 07:51 AM: Message edited by: booger ]
Posted by Leonard (Member # 2) on July 31, 2015, 08:22 AM:
we have more damn concern for a lion 10,000 miles away than we do for the atrocities being committed by Planned Parenthood.
Yeah, and I don't see how it will ever change with the Media we have? There is no such thing as freedom of the press, it's no different from the NAZI Propaganda Ministry. And, more better.

I saw clips and that lion is a rarity in the wild, a full black mane, and I saw no evidence of that talked about orange collar? With a bush like he had, it would sure as hell be easy to miss. But that don't matter to the hysterical animal rights idiots.

Good hunting. El Bee
Posted by Moe (Member # 4494) on July 31, 2015, 08:29 AM:
While this is playing out in the media the Iran deal is setting on the tables of our elected representatives and Obama is handing out thousands of amnesty papers to illegals without so much as sitting them down and interviewing them.

In short, this is just one more distraction from what's really going on in this world. I saw an article this morning that stated that despite the bombing ISIS is more powerful today than it was a year ago. And people are all talking about a miserable lion that may or may not have been poached? Oh, and I also read that the USA is investigating the incident. Why? The crime, if there was a crime, wasn't committed here. It's not our responsibility. If Zimbabwe want to extradite the guy it's their responsibility. I think the only reason they'd do that is to deprive him of more money.

We're losing our country and way of life and so many people seem okay with that.

BTW, I don't give a flying fuck what Betty White thinks. Or Jimmy Kimmel, either.
Posted by Aznative (Member # 506) on July 31, 2015, 10:11 AM:
I cannot believe the amount of BS regarding Cecil the Lion on Facebook. These stupid liberals never say anything about the murders committed by illegal aliens or Planned Parenthood selling body parts to buy a six figure sports car, but they are all over a hunter killing a lion.

Here are three responses from calling them out for caring more about animals and not humans. In this case I compared it to the outcry of Kathryn Steinle's murder:

" me people killing people is different than people killing animals. We have a responsibility to protect endangered animals...people are not endangered..."

"...a lion killing a lion would be ok...both have the same chance. People trying to brag about how manly they are by trying to kill a lion cowardly with a bow and arrow is just "non-human"

"...I think there are several reasons why Cecil's murder has become a bigger deal than Kathryn's. 1. Animals pull at people's heartstrings and the media knows this. 2. Murders similar to Kathryn's are more common than the murder of a nationally (perhaps internationally) loved lion. 3. The fact that Cecil was famous, and Kathryn was not, by itself put Cecil's murder in much more limelight. Since Kathryn was not famous many of the people mourning Cecil may not have been aware of Kathryn's murder. I wasn't until you brought it up. ..."

Like Michael Savage says: "Liberalism is a mental disorder"

Here is my wife's take on this issue:
I have just come to realize over the years with abortion available and we hear each and every day someone killed by a crazed lunatic, and the list goes on, that we (not all) have become desensitized to the loss of human life. We are bombarded from all news media outlets as a constant reminder of heinous acts upon people. Life becomes less valued unlike the wild animal. My question is: Who can speak for the unborn?? Some do, but ones caught up in keeping the animals safe and not hunted or eaten, etc., gets the most press. If you oppose abortion then you can be seen as irrational and yes, crazy. I think what happened to the lion is sad but I really feel devastated when the unborn have no rights at all.

[ July 31, 2015, 10:30 AM: Message edited by: Aznative ]
Posted by booger (Member # 3602) on July 31, 2015, 10:57 AM:
I guess I was pro life before I joined the Catholic Church in 1982. I had never really thought about it before, but it seemed to me that killing a baby was wrong. I do remember my folks talking about this in hushed tones after the SCOTUS decision in 1973 or 1974, I think?

After I joined the Knights of Columbus, there was a video of an actual abortion we viewed…I think it was called ‘Silent Scream’ or something like that.

The video showed a 16 week old baby being dismembered, (with long handled forceps), in the womb, (they had a camera in there), and then being ‘reassembled’ on a stainless steel tray to make sure they had all of the parts. After they determined they had everything, the parts were unceremoniously tossed in a stainless steel bucket.

I grew up on a farm where we did our own butchering; cattle, hogs, chickens and plenty of wild game. NOTHING I had ever experienced before prepared me for seeing what I saw on that video tape.

I honestly don’t think that liberals have any idea what is entailed in that procedure. Hildebeast has the opinion that ‘it is not actually a baby until it goes home from the hospital’…just disgusting.

[ July 31, 2015, 10:58 AM: Message edited by: booger ]
Posted by Az-Hunter (Member # 17) on July 31, 2015, 11:18 AM:
637,000 nameless babies killed via abortion this year, doesn't get a yawn; but stop the beating heart of a gawd damned lion, and all hell breaks loose, from media to facebook.......oh; but he had a name, Cecil. Damn the soul who would kill a lion named Cecil. It's called anthropomorphism, attributing human characteristics and behavior to animals.... bad thing to do; they are animals, not people.
Posted by Leonard (Member # 2) on July 31, 2015, 01:04 PM:
Well, we are all preaching to the choir here, I think we all respect the life of the animals we hunt. But, when a Loony Tune like that British asshole that took over for Larry King and then was fired. He said something about the dentist should be hunted down and killed; (something like that?)

But, the Liberals consistently confuse the sanctity of human life with animals! Even the term; "animal rights" is misleading and completely inaccurate. Humans have certain rights, Americans have rights. But nowhere is there any mention in any document from the Magna Carta to The Declaration Of Independence and the Bill of Rights, that any animal has any rights WHATSOEVER.

We have laws and protections and regulations concerning animals and nobody condones the inhumane treatment of animals. But God gave man dominion over the beasts. Those chickens would not exist at all unless we incubated the eggs for fried chicken. It's a crop, nothing more. Yeah, Vic has his free range chickens, which are far superior to the one's kept in cages, but these things are not done because the chicken has "rights". Rights are reserved for humans and states and countries, carefully delineated.

Of course, it would be nice if an unborn child had rights against dismemberment? On the other hand, Scott Peterson is on death row in San Quentin because of a conviction for "multiple murder", that of his pregnant wife Stacy and her child, Conner; unborn.

Anybody see a contradiction, there? Conner is a human as far as body count, in seeking the death penalty. But, abortion on demand insists that the mother has the right to partial birth abortion via sucking the fetus's brains out with vacuum so it is born dead. And, Hildabeast has said it's not actually a "baby" until he leaves the hospital with his mom.

I am so tickled with the shitstorm surrounding Planned Parenthood! Those vampires need to be throttled back. But, like Greg Gutfeld said the other day, "Boy, would things be a lot different, if PP was caught dismembering and selling baby dolphins".

Good hunting. El Bee
Posted by DanS (Member # 316) on July 31, 2015, 02:25 PM:
That dentist probably doubled Zimbabwe's gross national product with what he paid for that lion.

Yea, I don't get it. To the liberals, killing over 1/2 million babies is OK, but kill a wild animal and that is a terrible thing.
Posted by Kokopelli (Member # 633) on July 31, 2015, 08:34 PM:
So what do the bunny huggers want ??
A ten mile no hunting border around the Parks ??
Potential for a bad precedent here.
Next they'll want to ban hunting the deer / elk that migrate out of the high country Parks onto Nat. Forrest / BLM lands.
Posted by Aznative (Member # 506) on August 01, 2015, 08:11 AM:
On Arizona Hunting Today, one member has posted two pictures of a cougar and its den. Other members have posted things like "Make sure it isn't a female with cubs" and

"Let's see..........

No hunting/fishing license for 5 years

Probably about a $10K fine

The whole world going all "Cecil" on my butt!

Sound about right?"

Kinda cute unless the world does go Cecil on your ass.

Here is the link:

[ August 01, 2015, 08:11 AM: Message edited by: Aznative ]
Posted by Leonard (Member # 2) on August 02, 2015, 02:52 PM:
Posted by Aznative (Member # 506) on August 02, 2015, 03:39 PM:
Well I hope Obamacare will cover this:
Posted by Lone Howl (Member # 29) on August 03, 2015, 11:23 AM:
Just read Delta Airlines has banned some trophys from being transported on their planes.
Posted by Leonard (Member # 2) on August 03, 2015, 01:23 PM:
Gotta be a knee jerk reaction? Delta is the primary carrier into Johannesburg and then to Harare. Pretty soon those idiots in Zimbabwe will realize that American and European hunters are virtually their only source of hard currency. Mugabe brilliantly evicted all the white farmers that were feeding his citizens, then gave the property to blacks that did not know the first thing about agriculture. The value of the "Zim" dollars is (guess) about a million to one? So they have maybe one or two mines and nothing else besides hunters. Most hunters have decided to forget about Zimbabwe anyway, at least 6-8 years ago, so the country is dirt poor. Extraditing paying customers will for sure discourage anybody who isn't already afraid to hunt in that cesspool of a country. Brilliant move on their part. Now they can find out how much money the bunnyhuggers will chip in to support their lions. Best guess: ZERO.

Good hunting. El Bee

As far as transporting trophies. Delta is the main carrier from Atlanta, I think the flight is 14 hours? The large percentage of safari hunters fly Delta with South African pilots and crew. But, when the time came to ship my goods, they were sent on Virgin, (not my choice), so it must have been the cheapest, or?

[ August 03, 2015, 01:30 PM: Message edited by: Leonard ]
Posted by Prune Picker (Member # 4107) on August 04, 2015, 12:56 PM:
"use to be" a suitcase full of cigarettes, peferably Marlboro's would allow a guy access to about any animal in Africa, south of the equator excluding South Africa .

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