Topic: Red dot 🔴 sight
Member # 2
posted January 15, 2025 07:54 PM
I’ve been playing with this Holosun red dot 🔴 sight on my new Hellcat 9mm. Around the house playing war shit, bringing it up and doing my best to acquire the damned thing. Ain’t easy, actually. Actually, I find it hard to pick up. Then I’m searching for it and by that time <shrug> I’m dead 😵 right?
One thing I’ve kind of settled on is to bring the gun close to me, and not stick it out at arms length, at least until I acquire the damned red dot 🔴. Then, when I see it’s an extend my arms like I want to shoot. I’ve tried the crooked elbow stuff but that’s not a natural stance for me. So, I’m still playing with it trying to get used to it and it does take getting used to. I know some guys try a red dot 🔴 and decide open sights are quicker by a couple hundreths, competing or life and death. All I’m saying is it takes a lot more practice than I thought. Not a slam dunk, for me anyway. I like the concept, just need to figure out a technique.
Good hunting. El Bee
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Hello, I'm the legendary Tim Anderson, Field Marshall, Southern Minneesota Sector
Member # 794
posted January 15, 2025 11:34 PM
Forget Red dot Leonard. If they come into the house just shoot up into ceiling twice and they will leave so you don't have to rely on friends to help you move a body.
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SENIOR DISCOUNT & Dispenser of Sage Advice
Member # 633
posted January 16, 2025 07:13 AM
My $0.02 worth; Look up from the screen. Pick something out across the room. Point your finger at it. Say 'Bang' or 'BangBangBangBang' Next; Go to the range with a handgun. A .22 will work fine. Point the handgun like you did your finger. Forget the sights. Pull the trigger. Adjust and repeat. Unless you are competing at longer ranges you would be surprised at how effective you can get this way and it's faster than any sighting system. Plus, it's fun.
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Hi, I'm Vic WELCOME TO THE U.S. Free baloney sandwiches here
Member # 17
posted January 16, 2025 12:49 PM
Just a swag, but I'd bet a 20 dollar bill, that when you draw/point at target, if you hold that position where you are not picking up the dot and tilt the muzzle down, it will float into view. Each handgun has different grip angle, even if slight and will orient the muzzle at different angle until you know how to adjust. In most cases using the dot sight, upon full extension of handgun in relation to the target, that dancing red ball is just a tad above your view thru the window, and not so much left or right Takes lots of practice and muscle memory, but once you nail it down, will become very comfortable
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Member # 2
posted January 16, 2025 02:15 PM
Yeah, Vic! I was hoping for you to comment....not that the other contributors are not also valuable, and appreciated.
BUT, what you suggest is exactly what's happening. I know it's up there, intuitively. It still is distracting while I SEARCH for it. I want it to be there, BAMB! not after I back and forth and rotate down is the solution I figured out after a few, probably days, actually. So, instinctively, I know I have to lower the barrel, but it's not a part of my natural muscle memory, if you know what I mean?
Still working on it. If I happen to pass by where I last laid it down, I pick it up and give it a try. Meanwhile, it's definitely slower than iron sights, at this point. Also this Hellcat doesn't point and shoot like my XD9 or my M&P Shield.
Actually, if my entire arsenal was right in front of me, (critical situation) I'd reach for my Combat Commander 45ACP; it would be automatic, no decision process involved.
Good hunting. El Bee [ January 16, 2025, 02:18 PM: Message edited by: Leonard ]
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Hello, I'm the legendary Tim Anderson, Field Marshall, Southern Minneesota Sector
Member # 794
posted January 16, 2025 04:18 PM
At one time I had the Bushnell Halo site mounted on a Ruger Target model with like 10" barrel. Mine had a circle and then a dot in the center. you can have the pistol off a little with hold or what have you but no matter how you looked through it or the angle it was always right on. That was my late wife's favorite pistol to shoot.
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Hi, I'm Vic WELCOME TO THE U.S. Free baloney sandwiches here
Member # 17
posted January 17, 2025 01:44 AM
Grip angle of a 1911 always felt right for me too Leonard. Conversely, when learning the glock, I had to remember every time to be sure and push my wrist down substantially more than with my 1911 or the muzzle of Glock would be oriented up like a fucking mortar. Give it time and work on pushing muzzle down with correct wrist position. Won't be long till that dot is right in center of window and right on target.
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Member # 2
posted January 17, 2025 06:57 AM
Yeah, I’m getting faster, without boolits, anyway. Also, getting in the habit, as much as possible, of bringing the gun up closer to my face with bent elbows, then extending. I know it’s an extra step, but I see the dot so much quicker, it seems worth it, at least at this point. But, it’s a friggin’ game changer, that’s for sure!
And yes you are right about the angle on my Colt. I bought this gun in 1970 or 71? January, I think? I remember being pissed off, because that gun shop had just jacked the price $7 and I’m pretty sure it cost me $114. Should have bought ten!
Of course, I’ve mentioned before that it was stolen, and not recovered for ten years. Returned to me in 1986. During that time I was carrying a Star PD or a Charter Arms 38spl. Sold the 45 and the fucking 38 was stolen out of the glove box at a car wash. Even knew who did it and the police talked to him and he denied it….but it’s still in the system, if it ever turns up, I’ll get it back. (Messicans, both times)
Good hunting. El Bee
-------------------- EL BEE Knows It All and Done It All. Don't piss me off!
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Hello, I'm the legendary Tim Anderson, Field Marshall, Southern Minneesota Sector
Member # 794
posted January 17, 2025 12:02 PM
well now we know where all bad guys are getting their supply of guns. ![[Eek!]](eek.gif)
-------------------- What if I told you, the left wing and right wing both belong to same bird!
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SENIOR DISCOUNT & Dispenser of Sage Advice
Member # 633
posted January 17, 2025 04:15 PM
I think that the real lesson here is that bad things happen when you wash your truck.
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Hi, I'm Vic WELCOME TO THE U.S. Free baloney sandwiches here
Member # 17
posted January 17, 2025 06:12 PM
Your doing everything correct Leonard. The correct draw stroke is pop out of the holster, obtain correct two hand grip while raising the handgun level and up to eye level, cloce to your body, begin to catch dot and push arms out to extension. Dot should be in view as you push out and settle it on target.
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Member # 2
posted January 17, 2025 08:15 PM
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resides "back east"
Member # 228
posted January 23, 2025 09:27 AM
Thoughts (mindless ramblings triggered by the thoughts of others) of a very casual shooter:
I tried the pistol red dot because of failing eyesight.Moderate ranges of 10's of yards and a desire for improved aimed fire - not for what some might call combat or defensive shooting at single digit yardages. I found myself doing exactly as described above - I was shooting at the sky. I've yet to practice enough to overcome that, I'm still deliberately aiming and adjusting. Or carrying something else. Koko reminds me of a 60's visit by a friend of Dad's who was employed as an exhibition shooter by Olin/Winchester. Shoot an aspirin outta the air kind of guy. He taught us to practice instinctive shooting with our BB guns by setting up empty shotgun shells at roughly 15 yards and shooting from the hip. You will surprise yourself how good you get in very short order. Can be done with a pistol, too. For me - just pick a tall target, windage will be generally good, elevation maybe not. Kind of like the dot aimed at the sky.
Pistol fit? Mostly cheap and unrefined.....
Fairly straight grip angle, oversized grips required. 2 that work out well for me - Springfield XD40 Mod.2 Subcompact - ugly as a yellow school bus, but it points right where it needs to. Taurus TX22. Points right, 100% reliable, crude sights that work, holds oversized light/laser. Amazing bang for just a few sidearms dollars, if you need a plinking/pest control rig.
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Member # 2
posted January 24, 2025 07:42 PM
Yes to that, JoeF. I have a Springfield Armory XD9, and it is the most pleasant to comfortable handgun I own maybe except the Browning22? It’s such a nice rig, I Just might favor it, in a showdown.
Good hunting. El Bee
-------------------- EL BEE Knows It All and Done It All. Don't piss me off!
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SENIOR DISCOUNT & Dispenser of Sage Advice
Member # 633
posted January 24, 2025 08:12 PM
This just in ............... Wally World has the 50th Anniversary issue of AIMPOINT Magazine. Might be some useful info there.
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Posts: 8099 | From: Under a wandering star | Registered: Apr 2005
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Hello, I'm the legendary Tim Anderson, Field Marshall, Southern Minneesota Sector
Member # 794
posted January 24, 2025 09:12 PM
solution for red dot sites and proper pistol hold. Toss them both and move somewhere more open and people friendly.
All this reminds me of what Randy Shaw said one time about 4x4 trucks. If you need to put the truck in 4x4 you shouldn't be there in first place. ![[Big Grin]](biggrin.gif)
-------------------- What if I told you, the left wing and right wing both belong to same bird!
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Member # 2
posted January 25, 2025 10:59 AM
That last part, at the bottom, is my words to live by. When I put it in four wheel, because it’s necessary, I’m already thinking of turning around, or, might as well do a bit of hunting, while I’m here. But, I do not venture further, just asking for a 10 mile walk back out of there.
Yes, sometimes weather can dictate whether you continue, but if you already know that it’s blowing from where you came from, and where’s the next gas, etc. Sometimes, you just have to wait it out.
But, I’ve had to resort to shovels enough times that I know 4 wheel drive is a last resort and I do not use it unless I have to….and I get OUT OF 4 WHEEL as soon as I can, and I moderate conditions in 2 wheel drive. Four wheel drive is your Ace in the hole, I never blaze fucking trails in 4WD unless I don’t have a choice.
That’s just my hard learned attitude. I’m mature and wise and not immortal.
Good hunting. El Bee
-------------------- EL BEE Knows It All and Done It All. Don't piss me off!
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