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Posted by Leonard (Member # 2) on July 28, 2003, 07:17 PM:
Sly's new digs, on Hunt Talk.

Way down at the bottom of the main page.

I'm waiting for my invite.

Good hunting. LB
Posted by Leonard (Member # 2) on July 29, 2003, 07:05 PM:
Hmmm? Unexpectedly, I'm invited. What should I do?
Posted by Crow Woman (Member # 157) on July 29, 2003, 08:00 PM:
I don't think you should have to think twice Leonard [Smile]

Go, relax, contribute and make your own decision then [Wink]

It would be nice to see you there [Cool]
Posted by Jay Nistetter (Member # 140) on July 29, 2003, 08:07 PM:
Leonard Invited? You sure? That's gotta be a new feeling huh Leonard?
Posted by brad h (Member # 57) on July 29, 2003, 08:55 PM:
It's a great place Leonard.

Take a vacation.
Kick back on a board you don't have to maintain.

Hope to see you there. [Smile]

Posted by Doug (Member # 31) on July 30, 2003, 05:25 PM:
I'm sorry it took so long to get your invite out. We have been very busy getting the new forum set up. There is email addy posted in the header of MPE to request acess for those who are curious about what our topics of discussion are. It is a challenging task to run a forum and I salute you for being up to the task of owning, administrating, and moderating your own. [Wink]
Posted by Leonard (Member # 2) on August 02, 2003, 01:14 PM:
for those that missed it.
Posted by Tim Behle (Member # 209) on August 02, 2003, 08:42 PM:

[ August 03, 2003, 06:08 AM: Message edited by: Tim Behle ]
Posted by Rich (Member # 112) on August 03, 2003, 04:43 AM:
This thread should never have been started in the first place. Nothing to gain, nobody wins.
Posted by Rich Higgins (Member # 3) on August 03, 2003, 07:25 AM:
Rich Cronk
"This thread should never have been started in the first place. Nothing to gain, nobody wins."
The opinion you just shared is the result of 'false conclusions'(SH) arrived at because you "failed to review all pertinent intel."(DR)
"The most ignorant place in cyberspace" is the motto coined by Doug for the Varmint forum at Hunt Talk in the thread "Devastating Varminter Contest". Delw then inserted it in the banner at the MPE forum where it remained for several days before being removed. If you re-read Leonard's post with the afore mentioned facts in mind, it may become apparent to you that Leonard was not "stirring the pot"(KK) but calling our attention to those facts. You would not have posted an opinion, "based upon incomplete and/or incorrect information"(RH) if you had read the information readily available on an open forum and not "concealed in books."(OP)
Posted by Rich (Member # 112) on August 03, 2003, 08:12 AM:
Rich Higgins,
I assume then that it is my duty to read every forum on every available board before I come to a conclusion? Sorry Rich Higgins, but you are wrong about that. I am free to stick to forums where my own interests are located. I have never been to the "varmint" forum you mention, nor was said forum ever eluded to by Leonard in the forums I visit on his board. Perhaps if the full story would have been told in the first place, then my opinion would have been different. As for your "hidden in books" remark, I have seen more false information in books that were written by self proclaimed experts than I have seen almost anywhere else. Unlike you, I do not believe everything that I read in books. I do call em as I see em and even though you don't like it, I will continue to do so. I may base my opinions on incomplete information, but unlike yourself I do not base my opinions on half truths. Also unlike you, I do not go around preaching what I read in books as the gospel truth either.
Posted by varmit hunter (Member # 37) on August 03, 2003, 09:20 AM:
DING, Round 362.
Posted by Rich Higgins (Member # 3) on August 03, 2003, 09:41 AM:
Rich much, much better. You were able to respond to my post without becoming apoplectic and calling me names. Nice improvement.
Rich Cronk
"I assume then that it is my duty to read every forum on every available board before I come to a conclusion?"
Not at all Rich. I would assume it to be your duty to know something, anything, about what you are posting your considerable opinions about.
Rich Cronk
" I have never been to the "varmint" forum you mention, nor was said forum ever eluded to by Leonard in the forums I visit on his board. Perhaps if the full story would have been told in the first place, then my opinion would have been different."
All you had to do is follow Leonard's directions in his first post of this thread.
"Sly's new digs, at Hunt Talk
Down at the bottom of the main page"
Tells you right where to find that information.
Rich Cronk
"I have never been to the "varmint" forum you mention...."
Rich, if you can't keep up, take notes. You have been to that forum, it is the one in which you were holding court with your "seminar" Howling For Coyotes where you threw a dandy temper tantrum and called me Butthead and a smart alec because I posted an opinion that differed from your's.
Ric Cronk
As for your "hidden in books" remark, I have seen more false information in books...... etc. etc. ad infinitum ad nauseum.
Good news, Rich , is that bibliophobia is treatable. Of course you would have to read books to know that. I doubt that the universities and colleges of the world (not to mention tech schools, primary and secondary schools)will discard text as a teaching medium because of your disdain for books and book learning.
For your consideration, possibly to place "book learning" in proper perspective, I enrolled in a Part 141 program for my commercial pilots license with instrument rating. A structured academic program utilizing information from text books combined with realtime experience in the cockpit earned my ticket. Same procedure I use studying coyotes. Lighten up a little Rich, books are "a good thing."(MS)
Posted by Hodgen (Member # 180) on August 03, 2003, 10:08 AM:
Is it time for a "group hug" yet?????? [Roll Eyes]
Posted by Leonard (Member # 2) on August 03, 2003, 10:51 AM:
For those that can't figure it out, let me be clear that the title of this thread is the same as that which was sent to me by the administrator of HT. If you were to look at that board at the present time, the location has been changed, and the description has been changed.

I cannot edit the (title) of a post, in this version of the software. If it's not accurate, after the fact because of tinkering, that doesn't mean that the title is suddenly inflamatory and needs to be edited.

This section is for the "SERIOUS" Predator hunter. No Flamming, No badhmouthing, Just the Facts. Any questions for this section please E~mail " ". This is an Invite only section.
As of this morning, the description is a little different, but it does say there will be:

no "Flamming" (sic)

or "badhmouthing" (another sic)

If you then click on a post entitled Letter from Leonard, you will see something that looks a lot, to my untrained eye, like either "Flamming" or "badhmouthing", followed by a reference to a certain "Butthead" from someone I don't know, and have never had contact with?

Now, as to the "letter" in question; this is a unfortunate breach of courtesy and ethics, and honesty. The Email was written three months ago, and is taken out of context, and severely edited. There was a complete explanation for the statements made, but of course, the person who decided to breach his own rules decided that my version of events were not important enough to be included.....

Just the Facts.
I'd say his readers are being mislead. We have to wonder about the stated purpose of this exclusive forum? Where is the need to post this crap in two different forums? I think it is clear as to the intent.

If this behavior occured anywhere else, somebody would get their ticket pulled, but I am not calling for that and could care less.

As to the accuracy of my private correspondence to this concerned individual, I stand by it completely.

Coyote Gods; crashed and burned.

Huntmasters; raised hell about absolutely nothing.

Hunt talk: in progress.....
Posted by Leonard (Member # 2) on August 03, 2003, 11:06 AM:
Date: 07/29/2003 6:50:45 PM Pacific Daylight Time
From: *******
Sent from the Internet (Details)

Hi Leonard,
I noticed you browsing the varmint forum at huntalk. Have you been formally invited to the new predator forum yet? You are welcome to join us if you like. I consider it to be neutral ground where everyone who behaves in a civil and respectful manner is welcome. If you'd like to browse it without anyone knowing you can check the box marked hide from whos online when you log in. The password for the predator extreme forum is ******. Thanks,

~ Two days later, look who gets raked over the coals, by the same person. What's the motive, here?


posted July 30, 2003 05:25 PM
I'm sorry it took so long to get your invite out. We have been very busy getting the new forum set up. There is email addy posted in the header of MPE to request acess for those who are curious about what our topics of discussion are. It is a challenging task to run a forum and I salute you for being up to the task of owning, administrating, and moderating your own.

~The next day? Complimentary? Looks like it to me, but I could be wrong? One day later, a 180º turn.

Apparently, treachery knows no bounds?
Posted by Leonard (Member # 2) on August 03, 2003, 11:18 AM:
By the way.

A while back, we had an extensive conversation about trapping, and your humble correspondent was being pummeled for almost four pages. After several suggestions, I closed the thread. End of subject; I thought?

This same individual at HT decided at that point to open a dialogue on HT, to continue the attacks on yours truly.

Is this a fair and responsible thing to do? Not in my book, it ain't.

What's to be gained?

Treachery knows no bounds.
Posted by Crow Woman (Member # 157) on August 03, 2003, 11:30 AM:
VH... don't you mean round 3062? [Frown]

My two cents worth if anyone really cares. A private email should remain private and not posted openly...

OK... going back to my corner again
Posted by Rich (Member # 112) on August 03, 2003, 01:00 PM:
Rich Higgins,
You are right, I was in fact on that Varmint forum. It was so long ago I almost forgot. I now remember leaving that forum after you so rudely ruined a perfectly good thread. See there Rich Higgins, I was man enought to admit that I was mistaken in my statement that I had never been to that forum. Now are you man enough to admit that you were wrong to have come into my seminar and ruined it? Just about the time that I begin to believe that you have good intentions, you shock me back to the real world with your smart aleck remarks.
Posted by Rich (Member # 112) on August 03, 2003, 01:06 PM:
It is a shame that I have been drawn in to yet another uncalled for attack. It is also a shame that this problem between huntalk's Predator exstream forum and this board can not seem to go away. I hate to see problems between two boards, and I hope that you and Hunt talk can work things out.
Posted by Rich Higgins (Member # 3) on August 03, 2003, 01:44 PM:
Rich Cronk
Rich Higgins
You are right, I was in fact on that Varmint forum. It was so long ago I almost forgot.
Rich, your first post on that thread was 7/13, that's only 3 weeks ago. Are you feeling OK? Seriously.
Rich Cronk
I now remember leaving that forum after you so rudely ruined a perfectly good thread. See there Rich Higgins, I was man enought to admit that I was mistaken in my statement that I had never been to that forum. Now are you man enough to admit that you were wrong to have come into my seminar and ruined it?
Very well Rich, I will try to measure up to your standard of manhood and concede that in your view I did indeed ruin your seminar by posting documented fact that contradicted the inaccurate 'lore' that you were parroting on 'your' 'seminar'. It apparently escaped you that no one supported your childish attack on me. Another thing to consider, that thread is still sitting on the Varmint forum of Hunt Talk for all to read.
Look Rich, if we are going to continue our exchange I would like for you to put some thought and effort into your half. I feel that you are not really trying. Do you just not care any longer? At least your tantrums had a little zing. Now compose a truly scathing riposte and make us proud of you.
Posted by Rich (Member # 112) on August 03, 2003, 06:01 PM:
Rich Higgins,
Your "documented facts" are figments of your own wild imagination. You have confused a lot of folks who are trying to learn how to call coyotes by making them believe that you actually understand coyote language. If you were really interested in helping people learn, then you would only tell them what is working for you, or has worked for you in the past. Your attempt to fool these folks will catch up to you in a matter of time. You are not worth my time and effort. What amazes me is that people like Leonard, SH, and a few others have not seen through your false shield yet. They will in a matter of time. Do I feel ok? Yes I do, thank you. In an earlier post, you make it sound as though SH has been talking about me behind my back. I really doubt that Rich Higgins. SH and I don't agree on everything but he has too much class to be talking behind my back. Nice try Rich Higgins, but I am a better man than you are. Please remember that you are the one following me around and making wise cracks. I believe that this has happened enough times now that even those you think are your friends will know that it is you that is trying to keep things stirred up.

[ August 03, 2003, 06:03 PM: Message edited by: Rich ]
Posted by Leonard (Member # 2) on August 03, 2003, 06:11 PM:
What a surprise! A short time ago, I took a quick peek at the exclusive extreme forum, where they don't allow "Flamming" or "badhmouthing". The post in question has disappeared, for some reason?

As a device meant to welcome yours truly, it sure was an attention getter, but didn't tempt me to respond to the "cordial" invitation by posting.

So, why the attack? Why suspend their own rules? The "M.P.E." forum had not even been created, at the time I wrote that particular e-mail to the "gentleman" in question.

I have not made a post on that board, so it's not easy to see the reason for the attacks. Why would a friend of one of the moderators refer to me as a "Butthead"? Maybe because he had been talking to his friend, at great length?

But, it wasn't me, I could not have offended him, I don't know him, never had any conversation with this individual. He must have heard some really rotten things about me, slamming his friend, etc. The only thing is, I don't delete anything on Huntmasters, and he won't find any "slams". I dare him to find a derogatory comment.

Labels such as Butthead used in a strictly no "Flamming" private forum? Well, actually, it is easy to understand, considering those involved, but it's not right.

Shameful conduct.

But, I'm sure the man has been swooned into some irresponsible mental state by someone else. Someone working the back channels, someone pulling strings. Someone his own sister thinks has an inferiority complex.

Sad that the varmint topics have been hijacked by these petty people setting out to even an (imaginary) "score" of some kind?

Grown men, I assume?

Shameful behavior.

And, that's all I have to say. [Smile] LB

edit: one final note.
They finally locked the thread on the public board, a decent gesture, and I appreciate the consideration. \

But "they" still haven't noticed that they misspelled "Predator Extream".

Picky, picky. (I know, I know)

[ August 03, 2003, 07:16 PM: Message edited by: Leonard ]
Posted by Rich Higgins (Member # 3) on August 03, 2003, 07:57 PM:
Rich Crank, your last post is a little ponderous and untidy but has fairly decent emotional content. All in all an improvement over your earlier effort. However you must direct me to the post you claim "In an earlier post you make it sound as though SH has been talking about me behind my back." I cannot find it, I'm sure Scott would be mildly interested as well.
Posted by Krustyklimber (Member # 72) on August 04, 2003, 03:14 AM:
Man... I really tried to leave this alone but like a scab eventually I had to pick at it...

I am bummed I missed some of it, it may have changed what I have to say here and there (on HT).

I'll start at the top and work my way down;

Leonard, I think Doug's an "indian giver" with his invites, and appearantly he has proven this to be so for you as well.
I too have to ponder the reason for, and use of, that private forum... I guess I am not "civilized, or respectful"???

Mr Higgins, your bibliological references usually seem to be more accurate... Now I wonder if you're just making them up too.
I didn't originate "stirring the pot" your buddy Robb did, he originally accussed me of it on PM, when he picked me as the scapegoat for his plan to leave as moderator.
Please leave me out of your posts, I will try to do the same for you.

Hodgen, I don't really do the hug thing, get off of me... [Big Grin]

Crow Woman, I agree that e-mails should be private, but sometimes turnabout is fairplay... and business that affects all of us, and the way we interact, needs to be addressed as a community... not in secret corners of cyberspace.

Is your corner one of the private ones? [Wink] LOL

Mr. Cronk, I couldn't agree more that Mr Higgins' coyote speak smoke and mirrors show, is confusing as hell, and the main reason I gave up on howling.... that was no help to me.
All I hear from him is why he wont help, or how he has more unviewable video footage that'll explain everything about coyotes...

I myself have posted numerous times, my desire to see these videos and asked how to get one, and have never recieved any kind of answer from him.
Let's see if I get one this time... I won't be holding my breath.

How grown up of Mr. Higgins to resort to calling names... I bet you're used to the Crank thing, but I find it highly disrespectful.

Jeff  -
Posted by Rich (Member # 112) on August 04, 2003, 06:16 AM:
After reading the information which you recently added, I have come to a somewhat different conclusion concerning this matter. If the Varmint forum at Moosie's had been professionally moderated and the trouble makers rightfully booted out of there, then there would have been no need for an invitation only forum like "Predator Extream". I had left Moosies because of the unprofessional manner in which the varmint forum is managed. I later joined the members in "Predator Extream" because it was a more friendly environment. I now realize that this was only causing it to appear that I condoned the overall behavior at Moosies. I will be leaving Moosies and refuse to post there again. I don't hang out in neighborhood bars because of the drunks that hang out there and the common occurences of unprovoked attacks. I am a man who thrives on peace rather than confrontation. When I am attacked I will fight to the death, but I do not go around looking for trouble. I doubt very much that I will be coming to your board very often anymore either. Nothing against you Leonard, but I am retired now and I need a vacation away from hecklers like the one who follows me everywhere I go on the various predator calling boards. Face to face in the real world, I can hold my own with any man that walks. I hate confrontations and I try to avoid them. That is my last word on this matter.
Posted by Rich Higgins (Member # 3) on August 04, 2003, 06:24 AM:
Mr. Cronk, I couldn't agree more that Mr Higgins' coyote speak smoke and mirrors show, is confusing as hell, and the main reason I gave up on howling that was no help to me.
Smoke and mirrors? LOL
All I hear from him is why he wont help, or how he has more unviewable video footage that'll explain everything about coyote.....
You are not telling the truth. I have never addressed you directly nor indirectly on a forum before now. You have never asked me a direct question nor have you asked ME for a video. You simply make oblique references to it as you have here. I E-mailed you my telephone number to give you what information I could including how to aquire a video and you declined telling me you would try to figure it out yourself. You get sideways with everyone you communicate with and that is why I have never addressed you directly on a forum.

I myself have posted numerous times, my desire to see these videos and asked how to get one, and have never recieved any kind of answer from him.
Let's see if I get one this time... I won't be holding my breath.
Please do hold your breath.

How grown up of Mr. Higgins to resort to calling names... I bet you're used to the Crank thing, but I find it highly disrespectful.
You're right it is highly disrespectful. Exactly what I thought when Cronk called me names for the first time. Like begats like. If you are interested in the genesis of this dweeb baiting go to Hunt Talk and read the Coyote Howling thread from the beginning and watch it escalate. I read it again last night and still find it fascinating.
As to you, you are a child lost in the wilderness. You do not know where you are or how to get out. You do not accept directions from others. You spend your time pissing and moaning because no one will personally take you by the hand and lead you out. You know nothing, have nothing to contribute yet have 191 posts, mostly pissing and moaning. You told me to leave you out of my posts and you would do the same. Consider it done!
Posted by bucksnort (Member # 202) on August 04, 2003, 07:27 AM:
Tis a long hot summer!
Posted by Hodgen (Member # 180) on August 04, 2003, 12:19 PM:
No hug for you Krusty........ [Big Grin]

Maybe it's just me, but I can't get over how "thin-skinned" some folks can be on message boards. I don't give a rats butt what someone thinks of me, or what I do, or how I do it.

All is well, on the astro-plain, I am currently hovering on...... [Wink]
Posted by Krustyklimber (Member # 72) on August 04, 2003, 12:24 PM:
Gee, he says he'll leave me out of his posts, but yet there is a whole post not only referring to me, but addressing me directly???

I have never addressed you directly nor indirectly on a forum before now.


The thread in which I know you did, indirectly, on HT, has now been deleted or moved to another forum... it's in the one Mr Cronk tried to start about howling, and you pretty much ruined... you say you read it but I can't find it to quote you.
I have asked you several direct questions, in these forums, and by e-mail.
And again I'd say you have pretty much addressed me in this one, without ever offering a single answer to any of my questions... how helpful.

I'll ask it again, this time directing it at you...

Mr. Higgins, How does one go about seeing these videos made by you?

And as for the e-mail, you told me that typing out the answers, to the very direct questions I asked, was too much trouble... after you first volunteered to help without my ever asking for it.

I told you that I didn't have the verbal skills to call and talk to you on the phone, I don't speak clearly and get tounge-tied very easily...
For me to call you on the telephone, and stutter my way way nervously through the conversation would have been very hard for me to do, and even harder for you to understand me. I didn't want to make undue work for you, but I wanted to be able to read and re-read it until I could understand what you're saying (I find your writing, usually your whole train of thought, difficult to follow along with).

It was not anything personal, it's just we don't seem to want to speak the same language, or with the same method of communication.
I say WE because you have half of the responsibilty for this impass, you said "no" just like I did.
I didn't see any reference to the videos you make in the e-mail you sent back... I saved it and just finished reading it myself.
And why would you have made reference to your video footage, had I never directly asked about it???

I did say I would have to come to grips with killing or photography on my own, after I found out you wouldn't help me in a manner I could deal with.
You use the analogy of a lost child... but you are trying to communicate by radio, and I don't have one... and I am trying to write my questions to you, but it's as if you couldn't read what I write.

Who's fault does that make it?

If I had nothing to contribute I wouldn't be here, I personally find about as much solid information I can use in your posts as you do mine...

I recenly had a chance to hunt with another person besides my brother, and he said I possess more hunting skills then I give myself credit for... perhaps I should just stop asking the questions, or posting my feelings on the subject of hunting, because it baits guys like you into volunteering to help... which you obviously resent doing.

But you know what Mr. Higgins?

This ain't your board, it's Leonard's! And until he asks me to stop posting here or bans me altogether, I am gonna ask my questions, post worthless s**t, display my calls, and BE MYSELF!!!

Jeff  -

[ August 05, 2003, 12:26 AM: Message edited by: Krustyklimber ]
Posted by Rich Higgins (Member # 3) on August 04, 2003, 12:35 PM:
Please leave me out of your posts, I will try to do the same for you.
Try harder, noisy child.
Posted by pup (Member # 90) on August 04, 2003, 02:40 PM:
This thread, is probably the worst that I have seen in a while.

It has no value, and didn't from the start.

Private should stay private, this thread is not helping the appeal of this board by running down another board.


I have sat by and watched you market yourself wonderfully. You have went from unheard of to notoriety in a short while, in a sport that you have limited experience in, per your own admission. I am impressed at the amount of BS people will buy into. You sir have given me hope in several of the scams that I had canned because they were too preposterous.

To quote you "perhaps" you should just go out and go hunting. Doing so, if successful would at least give you some validity within the realm in which you are making accusations.

For you to comment on the content of the above mentioned's post is amazing, and to compare the content to yours is absurd.

I am sorry, I couldn't just sit by and let you think that you are in the same ballpark as Higgins or (Cronk for that matter).

Just My Opinion,

later pup
Posted by DAA (Member # 11) on August 04, 2003, 03:10 PM:
"If I had nothing to contribute I wouldn't be here, I personally find about as much solid information I can use in your posts as you do mine..."

Truly, you are blind.

And to whine and moan and begrudge a man because he'd rather talk on the phone than continue writing e-mail and posts you have routinely and bitterly whined about not being able to understand?

It just blows my mind.

Posted by WolverineAtWork (Member # 23) on August 04, 2003, 03:25 PM:
Sorry guys, you know I eventually had to get in on this.. hehe..

Ahh.. just wanted to warm my ass on the flames you've got going here. Oh.. and guys, the WWF called and is suing over your blatant plagiarism of one of thier scripts. Apparently it slipped under the radar at first because there was no carefully choreographed flying kicks.


[ August 04, 2003, 03:27 PM: Message edited by: WolverineAtWork ]
Posted by Krustyklimber (Member # 72) on August 04, 2003, 04:18 PM:
You told me to leave you out of my posts and you would do the same. Consider it done!

Looks like your not any better at this leaving one another alone stuff then I am, maybe you need to try harder yourself ya big fat bag of hot desert wind.
I wish I was half as cool as you think you are!!!


It figures you have "scams" you'd like to perpetrate on people...
It's good to know your opinion of me... but it is still worthless.

What about myself do you see me marketing, and what part of it has no validity... I do make good calls, and I do know how to work them well enough too.
Both facts.

Notoriety... your gonna have to define what you mean by that before I can address that.

Nice job totally f***ing up the quote, I do go hunting, I just meant I'd stop asking questions related to those hunts.... I actually have a bunch of questions related to the bear hunt I just came home from... where I did call in a bear for a hunter.
So I am not as unproven, and unskilled as you would like to believe.

Being one of the principles for the creation of your buddy Sly's little playground, and the fact that I am excluded from it, I feel I have eminent right to comment on it... at least in my mind.
And you have no right to tell me on Leonard's board (or anywhere) what I can or cannot say... you don't like it, go over to your private clubhouse to cry about it!
Your opinion ain't worth squat to me either!

At what point did I ever say I considered myself on par with Mr.s Cronk or Higgins?
I don't as a hunter, or a call maker... but I do as a human being... we are all equal in the eyes of the Lord, and I got no problem with what I got comin' at the end of the line.


I think that both Mr. Higgins and I may be "blinded" to the truth... I cannot believe I have NEVER posted ANYTHING of positive content on the internet. Just as you cannot believe I don't understand most of what he's talking about.
I never whined, moaned, or begrudged Mr. Higgins for his refusal to help me, but I am not going to stand by and let him put all of the burden of responsibilty for this misunderstanding on my shoulders.
I merely stated the FACTS that he refused me, and I him... 50/50%

Since I had an injury many years ago my verbal skills and the ability to speak clearly, and remember the conversation well is very hard for me... I didn't begrudge that at all and graciously said "thanks anyway I am sure it will all work itself out when I am sitting on a stand and a coyote comes"
I need to read things many times before I can commit it to memeory, and I truly didn't want to waste any of his time... look how that's been twisted around to hang me with???

Posted by Rich Higgins (Member # 3) on August 04, 2003, 05:06 PM:
Looks like your not any better at this leaving one another alone stuff then I am, maybe you need to try harder yourself ya big fat bag of hot desert wind.
Now that one was funny! I really did get a good laugh from this one, even if I'm going to suffer at Jay's hands when he sees it. Probably for a very long time. [Big Grin]
You are a noisy child but you have made at least one positive contribution.
Question about your sig line 'Somewhere, a village has no idiot'. If that is true, why are you still unemployed? [Big Grin]
Posted by Krustyklimber (Member # 72) on August 04, 2003, 05:16 PM:
Mr. Higgins I am glad you got a laugh from it, that's the response I'd hoped it would evoke...

We've both explained our psitions very well and I don't hold any of this against you personally nor do I take it that way, I hope we can let bygones be bygone.

As for the signature line...

The Village has no idiot... because I am HERE!
I thought it was most appropriate for this site because I know compared to most of you experienced hunters, and with my usual sense of joviality, I am this village's resident idiot.

Please put about as much weight to what I post as that title entails! [Wink]

One positive contribution and counting...

Jeff  -
Posted by Rich Higgins (Member # 3) on August 04, 2003, 05:18 PM:
Hey Matt, I was going to post something else to you but I got to looking at your abbreviated name, 'W@W' and lost my train of thought cause I have a large W tattooed on each of my butt cheeks and when I bend over it kinda looks like your name. [Big Grin] [Big Grin] [Big Grin] [Big Grin] [Big Grin]
Posted by varmit hunter (Member # 37) on August 04, 2003, 05:35 PM:
"What we have here is a failure to communicate". The Warden's comment to Cool hand Luke. Right after they beat the ever loving hell out of him.
Posted by WolverineAtWork (Member # 23) on August 04, 2003, 06:05 PM:
Rich, I'm cut to the quick my friend. [Frown] I thought when I gave you that tattoo in prison that we agreed that it would be our little secret... [Eek!] hehe.. [Big Grin]
Posted by RayG (Member # 9) on August 04, 2003, 07:08 PM:

My deepest Sympathy.

I had not entered this thread until this evening and What A Laugh I Have Had. I commend you for your resolve not to sensor or delete.
This thread has the making of becoming one of the worst ever on this board. I have been here a very long time yet post little (read a lot however). If I didn't know any better I'd think the age level of a few (very few mind you) posters is below 3. And please don't slam me if you feel this is pointed in your direction you won't get a reply just some more chuckling from this side of the screen. Suck it up and grow up.

My 2 bits worth.

Posted by Rich Higgins (Member # 3) on August 04, 2003, 08:03 PM:
Yeah, well chuckle at this RayG

W@W [Big Grin] [Big Grin]
Posted by WolverineAtWork (Member # 23) on August 04, 2003, 08:15 PM:
Thanks a lot Rich, I woke up the kids laughing at that.. hehehe... [Big Grin] [Big Grin]
Posted by bucksnort (Member # 202) on August 04, 2003, 08:16 PM:
RH, from now on it should be ROFLMYW@WO. [Big Grin]
Posted by Tim Behle (Member # 209) on August 04, 2003, 08:23 PM:
Mark me down as another guy who'd like to stay out of this little kid's pissing match.

Leonard, I like you. You may be the sworn enemy of my best friend and hunting partner, but what the hell. I've never had a problem with you. I've known Doug for a couple of years too. I like him as well, but this entire thing got started by a judgment error on his part. What started as a private note, to only offer the help of your experience, right or wrong, should have been kept private.

There's a couple of guys named Rich here too, I've always liked both of them, had a lot of respect for the two of them over the years too.

But that respect is slowly being eroded away, each time I have to watch one or the other of them take another cheap, childish shot at the other.

So the two of you can't agree on anything, so what? Just shut the **** up and avoid each other.

Keep this up and the only thing you are going to do is lose respect for yourself and run good hunters away from the boards you fight on.

Tim Behle
Posted by Rich Higgins (Member # 3) on August 05, 2003, 07:10 AM:
Hi Tim, I've always respected and valued your participation on the boards over the years also. And I really did enjoy spending time with you at the NTA. So you know there is no malice when I ask why you do not take your own advice and "shut the **** up'? I don't understand why, if this thread distresses you so, you are compelled not only to read every post but to participate??
Drive other hunters away? Nah. This is just Dweeb callin', a summer replacement for predator calling. It is confined to the Member Forum, a place provided for off subject topics (this qualifies bigtime)
Posted by Rich (Member # 112) on August 05, 2003, 08:51 AM:
Tim Behle,
There is much wisdom in your above post, and I agree with most of what you said there. I am trying to avoid hecklers, so I won't be posting as much anymore. I appreciate your honesty. Good hunting to you Tim Behle.
Posted by WolverineAtWork (Member # 23) on August 05, 2003, 09:04 AM:
"This is just Dweeb callin', a summer replacement for predator calling"

Is that kinda like office Prairie Dogging"?
Posted by Rich Higgins (Member # 3) on August 05, 2003, 10:16 AM:
Hi Rich. Good to see you here.
Posted by Greenside (Member # 10) on August 05, 2003, 01:14 PM:
Posted by Rich Higgins (Member # 3) on August 05, 2003, 03:42 PM:
Dennis,I passed. They looked like twins to me. [Wink]
Posted by Leonard (Member # 2) on August 05, 2003, 04:30 PM:
...that's what you call a slight difference in color?

Hey guys, I know a challenge when I see one. The gauntlet has been thrown! Everybody knows Ray G. Former Administrator of the original Huntmasters, former CSVCA member, etc. and besides, he knows a little bit about hunting predators.

So, Ray says we have the chance to break some sort of record here, right now, with this thread! Are we men or are we Dweebs?

Good hunting. LB
Posted by Hodgen (Member # 180) on August 05, 2003, 04:48 PM:
Who is Ray G ??????? [Confused]

Sounds like a real "stick in the mud"....errrr....or was that "stuck in the mud"? [Wink] [Big Grin]

Come to think of it...I do remember this guy. [Cool]
Posted by Cdog911 (Member # 7) on August 05, 2003, 05:11 PM:
KK: "Mr. Higgins, How does one go about seeing these videos made by you?"

I got mine. Whole drawer full of 'em. Some of 'em, I have two or three copies. Rich just keeps sending them. Unsolicited. Mailman thinks I'm some kinda home brew porn freak or something. In fact, the first time we spoke on the phone, I said, "Hello. Is this Mr. Higgins?", and he says, "No, this is Rich. Wanna video?" The rest is history. Damn! It's good to be living high here in "da loop"!
Posted by RayG (Member # 9) on August 05, 2003, 05:43 PM:
not stuck in the mud, Lance pulled me out...

Posted by Hodgen (Member # 180) on August 05, 2003, 06:12 PM:

Lance told me about the adventure.

Looks like Lance isn't the only one that will get dubbed a new "nick name" with each hunt.... [Big Grin]

Errrrrrr...Swamp Thing???? [Wink]
Posted by onecoyote (Member # 129) on August 05, 2003, 06:17 PM:
Ray G long time no see, how you doing?
Posted by Rich Higgins (Member # 3) on August 05, 2003, 06:27 PM:
Leonard, what is the old record? We need to see numbers to know how close we are. If in the middle of a chidish tirade we begin to falter and become unwilling to take that last cheapshot, you can flash the score on the screen and bolster our resolve. Maybe you can pipe in the soundtrack from "Rocky"?
(note to self)
'Why am I doing this? I have a lot of work to do.'

(note to CDog)
Want another video?
Posted by Leonard (Member # 2) on August 05, 2003, 06:35 PM:
RH: Hello, who's this?

LB: this is LB

RH: yeah? do you want my latest unedited 6 hour video?

LB: I say: shore do!

RH says:
(instead of; "do you want fries with that?")

RH: do ya need another Higgins Howler?

LB: Heck yeah, throw it in, if you got one handy!

RH: Shore du, sent out a couple dozen today, already. Every member of HM has received at least one, or maybe two...I ferget?

LB: well, I'll just make room in the shed, can't fit any more behind the truck seats.

LB: BTW, my neighbor wants a free set of volumes I through X videos; can do?

RH: (suspiciously) yeah, what's his name?

LB:, I mean Clyde; name's Clyde.

RH: oh, well okay. Two complete sets, enough?

LB: (pause) I dunno, maybe we better make it three, jeff, er....jest in case.

RH: you betcha, overnight good enough?

LB: oh yeah, plenty good enough.

RH: well, thanks for asking. Know anybody else that ain't got 'em yet?

LB: (pause) noooo, that's everybody........I think?

RH: Boy Howdy, glad to help. Ain't this fun?

LB: yeah, yeah, well, gotta run.

LB: Oh, before I forget, don't send any more fancy black horn howlers, I could use a white one this time. Texas Longhorn, if you got it?

RH: you got it!

LB: 'k, bye now!

LB: (hung up) thinks: where am I gonna put all these things??????
Posted by Jay Nistetter (Member # 140) on August 05, 2003, 07:01 PM:
I got a whole pile of RH videos. Works better than counting sheep. I got banned from Ebay trying to pay people to take them. Lately I've been attaching strings on them and selling them as wind clunks at the flea markets. Thank God his camera broke. I called up Circuit City and slipped them an extra 50 to tell him his camera needed parts on backorder from Japan. LMAO!!! Some I used to tape old Mash episodes cause the landfill quit taking them. When he comes over, he doesn't ring the doorbell... I just hear this whining at the front door.

[ August 05, 2003, 07:04 PM: Message edited by: Jay Nistetter ]
Posted by Bomba (Member # 71) on August 05, 2003, 07:10 PM:
Bomba even get movie from Rich. When watch, screen start shake and whole village run hide. Fear earthquake come.

Bomba ask Chief why camera shake so much and Chief say:
Not easy to film and choke chicken at same time.

Posted by Lonny (Member # 19) on August 05, 2003, 07:19 PM:
LOL! Good one Leonard [Smile]

How the hell did Lance get the good stuff! All the video I got from Rich was about friggen coyotes? I guess I'll have to ask about other videos available from Higgens Home Productions.

Damn, Now I'm feeling out of the loop [Confused]

[ August 05, 2003, 07:22 PM: Message edited by: Lonny ]
Posted by varmit hunter (Member # 37) on August 05, 2003, 08:15 PM:
You guys have been lapped. Not only do I have 683 yards of Higgins's tapes with sound effects. My Howler is 27' long.

Now for the biggie. I have a Gold crown in my jaw that Master Poe hand crafted then kept in his personal howler wrapped in his personal camo poncho for five days and nights, Before, And after the full moon in June.
Posted by Krustyklimber (Member # 72) on August 05, 2003, 08:18 PM:
[Roll Eyes]
Posted by Rich Higgins (Member # 3) on August 05, 2003, 08:48 PM:
Good thing Bomba is a religious man cause he needs to say about a billion Hail Marys.
Jay and Leonard... never mind. It won't help you... too much bad Karma. You guys are coming back as Democrats.

You guys are way better at Dweeb Callin' than I am.
Posted by Leonard (Member # 2) on August 06, 2003, 03:53 PM:
Rich Higgins
Senior Member
Member # 3

posted August 05, 2003 08:48 PM
Good thing Bomba is a religious man cause he needs to say about a billion Hail Marys.
Jay and Leonard... never mind. It won't help you... too much bad Karma. You guys are coming back as Democrats.

You guys are way better at Dweeb Callin' than I am.
Posts: 299 | From: Scottsdale, Az. | IP: Logged

Memo to Rich: quit acting like a adolescent, we're trying to break a record, or did you forget?
Posted by Rich Higgins (Member # 3) on August 06, 2003, 04:19 PM:
Leonard, I am ashamed and truly sorry. I was tired and let a positive thought sneak in.
If my camera is returned tomorrow I will post photos of calling results with a Cronk Howler which should get this thread back on it's proper track. [Razz]
Posted by varmit hunter (Member # 37) on August 06, 2003, 04:40 PM:
Rich, If you can get this thread back on track. Then that will mean I will be able to walk after I come see you in October. We can do a remake of Elmer Gantrey.
Posted by Rich Higgins (Member # 3) on August 07, 2003, 10:20 AM:
LOL Clever varmit hunter, I just got that.
Posted by Leonard (Member # 2) on August 07, 2003, 11:47 AM:
That may have put us over the top? Awaiting a ruling from RagY; er, I mean RayG.
Standby, please.

I could use some "healing" myself. I need to lose 30 lbs without effort.

Good hunting. LB
Posted by Jay Nistetter (Member # 140) on August 07, 2003, 11:52 AM:
R Higgins:
I was tired and let a positive thought sneak in.
Posted by Rich Higgins (Member # 3) on August 07, 2003, 01:17 PM:

I don't.
Posted by Leonard (Member # 2) on August 07, 2003, 02:09 PM:
Icing on the cake, gentlemen!

They said it couldn't be done.

Jay, your unselfish contributions are exactly what we needed.

Rich, what can I say, you da man!

I'm proud of us....we're #1! yeah! yea!

(wish this site had an archive)

Top this, HT!
Posted by Rich Higgins (Member # 3) on August 07, 2003, 02:58 PM:
Can I take a break now, Leonard?
Posted by varmit hunter (Member # 37) on August 07, 2003, 03:19 PM:
A break from what?.

Look at how Jay has given so much of himself, And you won't a break. He even took time out to tell me were to seek advice on what type of call I should be using. What a guy.

Hope to run in to him in the middle of nowhere someday.
Posted by Leonard (Member # 2) on August 07, 2003, 03:31 PM:
Take a well deserved break, lad! And clean your room.

Ronnie, running into Jay in the middle of nowhere, the problem with that is you can't tell "them" apart without a program; and I have yet to discover which one is the "evil" twin?

[Smile] LB

RayG, hel lo oh
Posted by Doug (Member # 31) on August 09, 2003, 07:31 PM:
I apologize for putting a private email on a public forum. It was wrong for me to do so. It was my decision alone. I had a really bad week and the more I thought about you pointing a finger and laughing the more upset I got. I apologize.
Posted by Leonard (Member # 2) on August 09, 2003, 07:35 PM:
apology accepted
Posted by RayG (Member # 9) on August 10, 2003, 08:05 PM:

Looks like the thread has finally run the course and taken the record.

Congrats to all.

Posted by Richard Grantham (Member # 107) on August 11, 2003, 11:53 AM:
I got so interested in following this I forgot to post a great quote I found.

" When arguing with a idiot- make sure he's not doing the same".

When it gets cool enough to call I bet we have to look hard to find this much wit on line!

Richard Grantham
Posted by varmint101 (Member # 41) on August 18, 2003, 11:24 PM:
All I have to say is: Thank you all! *tear*

Wait that isn't all I have to say! I need something's too hot outside! (60*F) Yea, yea! That works. [Wink] Regards,

Matt [Smile]
Posted by The Outdoor Tripp (Member # 619) on June 26, 2005, 04:26 PM:
Oh my God. I haven't laughed so hard in my life.

Forgive me fellas ... was snooping around the archives and found this Godsend of a thread. Had to wipe my eyes twice. What a skeleton!

Spielberg and I are discussing movie rights.

Royalties for all. [Smile]

[ June 26, 2005, 04:29 PM: Message edited by: The Outdoor Tripp ]
Posted by Leonard (Member # 2) on June 26, 2005, 08:22 PM:
Trip, there is/was a lot more to this than meets the eye. However, it doesn't matter. Some day, maybe Rich will fill you in?

Just a twenty minute walk down memory lane; thanks for nothing! [Smile]

Good hunting. LB
Posted by Cdog911 (Member # 7) on June 26, 2005, 08:26 PM:
Ah, the good ol' days. I laughed as hard this time as the first time around. Makes me yearn for a visit back to the BUBBA thread. That was a good 'un, too.
Posted by varmit hunter (Member # 37) on June 26, 2005, 09:11 PM:
Trip. This may be the longest fire we ever had, but it damn sure wasn't the hottest.

Rich. Did you pick up on a couple of things we talked about recently?.

Sure was some fine names in there. That no longer seam to be around. Sure miss them.
Posted by Krustyklimber (Member # 72) on June 28, 2005, 12:16 PM:

If there's a skeleton in the closet, there's a good chance I was there... rattling the bones. [Wink]

"Ahh the good ol days" indeed... I used to feel pretty confident, even a bit cocky, about my secure position here.

When Leonard finally did ban me, and for what I was banned, it forever changed the way I see the internet, and these BBs. [Wink]

Even if they let you back in, you can't go home again... I miss having "a home".

Krusty  -
Posted by Leonard (Member # 2) on June 28, 2005, 04:06 PM:
I didn't ban you, K. It was a time out. That, or some of these hooligans were going to........well, better it didn't happen.

You can stay here as long as you like; or you (somehow?) piss me off, which ever comes first?

Good hunting. LB
Posted by Rich Higgins (Member # 3) on June 29, 2005, 08:09 AM:
Ahh, the "good ole days" are now.
I can go home again and do, several times a day usually.
Thanks to Leonard for providing that home.
And thanks to all the family that enjoy home and contribute.
As for the "nattering nabobs of negativity" (whatever happened to Agnew?)whose primary objective seems to be "rattling the bones of the skeletons in the closet" (VOID)
Posted by Kokopelli (Member # 633) on June 29, 2005, 12:46 PM:
Wow.....I'm glad I didn't 'have a dog in that fight'!!

All of that emotion over coyotes. Truely remarkable beasts!!
Posted by bearkiller (Member # 675) on June 29, 2005, 03:22 PM:
WOW! Glad I wasn't here, but it does give insight to other members.....
Posted by Cdog911 (Member # 7) on June 29, 2005, 04:05 PM:

May I say how right you are. Moreso in the case of some people than others. You know who you are. [Smile]
Posted by The Outdoor Tripp (Member # 619) on June 29, 2005, 05:09 PM:

Please call Rich Higgins at your earliest possible convenience. He is worried about you.

Rich ... how was that?
Posted by Rich Higgins (Member # 3) on June 29, 2005, 06:02 PM:
WOW! Glad I wasn't here, but it does give insight to other members.....
bearkiller, if you were referring to Jay Nistetter, you're wasting your time. We have tried to gain a little insight into Jay over the years and have concluded that he has none.
Things just aren't quite right with the boy. Nothing specific, just little things that make you think that the light may be on, but no one is home.
Posted by Jay Nistetter (Member # 140) on June 29, 2005, 08:27 PM:
Hey thanks for telling me the board was back up and running again. I thought it vanished like Predator Posseeeee. All Higgins would say was that "I dunno what to tell you Jay. No body else seems to have any problems getting on and off the Board."

So I remembered how Injun Joe found this place and typed in drugs and illegal aliens and Whoopa! I found you again. You can't hide.
Posted by Leonard (Member # 2) on June 29, 2005, 09:12 PM:
Seriously, Jay. I always wonder if my emails get through to you. I have sent two, and so far it doesn't look like you read them?

Good hunting. LB
Posted by Tim Behle (Member # 209) on June 29, 2005, 09:59 PM:

Just send him video clips with naked women. He'll always reply back in an hour or two asking for more.
Posted by varmit hunter (Member # 37) on June 30, 2005, 02:41 AM:
Ya'll back off Jay. He has been busy. Spending is time and money keeping me entertained.

Along with many other things. I am now going to be a artist. My first piece of work will be a cowboy on a horsy, If I can just see them dang little numbers.
Posted by The Outdoor Tripp (Member # 619) on June 30, 2005, 03:03 PM:
Varmit Hunter,

As long as you're getting into the art racket, I I'd like to request a commisioned work from you.

I'd love to have an oil made from a photo of Rich Higgins riding a horsey. Painting must portray Rich's lust for adventure, unbridled spirt and dogged passion.

Please use photo below:  -


[ June 30, 2005, 03:36 PM: Message edited by: The Outdoor Tripp ]
Posted by Kokopelli (Member # 633) on June 30, 2005, 03:58 PM:
Tripp, that was pretty funny. It would have been even funnier if I hadn't been taking a swallow of coffee when I saw it. Hate it when that happens.
Posted by The Outdoor Tripp (Member # 619) on June 30, 2005, 04:38 PM:
Frappaccino man, frappaccino.
Posted by Rich Higgins (Member # 3) on June 30, 2005, 07:18 PM:
There you are Tripp, 100 posts.
Thanks for touching up the photo. I never looked so good.
Someone told me once that Strader's dog was killed by coyotes a couple of weeks after that photo was taken. Anyone know?
Posted by Krustyklimber (Member # 72) on June 30, 2005, 07:38 PM:

YOU can call it what you like, the fact remains the result was exactly the same as a site that did call it "banned"... I could not post, whilst people took shots at me.

You made that happen, because you were mad... that changed things between you and I, forever.

I will never feel like this is "my home" again, that's just the facts.
A lot of "things" happened that week, so it's not just what happened here that changed the way I see things.
It's like knowing that Santa Claus isn't real, and in that instant, the world is changed.

The "hooligans" were gonna WHAT? [Big Grin]
Call me names, make fun of me, not buy my calls, refuse to answer my questions, or actually tell me that they wish I never ever see any calling success?

Too late, they've already done that and more, there's not much worse they can do to me now.
Some of it was funny, and I laughed along (at me), some of it wasn't.
My skin is thick enough, to take anything they got, and give it right back.

Out of all the "hooligans" there ain't a single one of them that scares me. They better come "well sharpened" if they want to have a battle of wits with me, yo. [Wink] LOL
A good share of them can't even SPELL argument, let alone make a good one.

I can go home again and do, several times a day usually.

Okay you win, you are "even cooler than Krusty"... [Roll Eyes]
Now there's a huge accomplishment, you must be SOOO proud of yourself.

Once again, I wish I was half as cool as you think you are.
Must be hard to get around, with that big ol' head, shoved so far up your ass!?!

The real difference here is, you never LEFT home, and you certainly were never "thrown out"... you don't have any trouble "going home again" because you are already there.

Anyone else feel a warm breeze? [Razz]

Krusty  -
Posted by Cdog911 (Member # 7) on June 30, 2005, 07:55 PM:
Full circle!

Nothing at all...
Posted by varmit hunter (Member # 37) on June 30, 2005, 08:04 PM:
Krusty. I got a lot I won't to say to you, but I am way to pissed to say it right now, and you are not worth it.. So I will just leave it like this. Most people who have a home, don't crap in the middle of the floor every time they get a chance. Then won't to cry on everyone's shoulder because they did it.

Posted by The Outdoor Tripp (Member # 619) on June 30, 2005, 08:06 PM:

Round 416
Posted by Jay Nistetter (Member # 140) on June 30, 2005, 08:17 PM:
I still haven't figured out what this thread is really about.

Tim? Your best friend and hunting buddy?
Posted by Leonard (Member # 2) on June 30, 2005, 08:18 PM:
Full circle, it is, Lance. Unbelievable.

K, I have not changed my attitude toward you, so it's one sided, and not as hopeless as you might think. I was accused of "protecting" you, so I had to do something? But, you are tweaking Higgins again, hope you can take it after dishing it out?

But, hell. You're still a senior member with all the rights and privilages accorded that distinction. You were actually INVITED to the campout, last year! That's not chopped liver, Dude.

A few more posts and maybe I'll make you a Guru....for a while.

In the meantime, if this isn't your home, it's strictly your call. You could apply over on the dark side. Maybe?

Good hunting. LB
Posted by Krustyklimber (Member # 72) on June 30, 2005, 08:51 PM:

I am truly sorry you're upset. [Frown]

Things ARE different for me now, that is a fact.
I can't change the facts, they are what they are.

You see, I thought Leonard WAS Santa Claus. [Wink] And I even thought you were an elf... now I know otherwise, about that too.

And I am not crying, I actually find it all way more funny than sad (and I am laughing AT those guys, this time).
None of the things, done to hurt me on purpose, worked... I am way tougher than that.
Yet some people continue to try and get their "digs" in at me (that's EXACTLY what Higgins was doing).

I never crapped anywhere (though I might have farted), at no point did I ever break a single rule (on this site or any other), and I still haven't been given a valid answer for why I got banned, or a time out, or whatever (from this site or any other).

Higgins decided to "rub my nose" in what I posted, and I bit back (in good humor)... why is it wrong for me to respond somewhat aggresively, when so obviously attacked?
I don't come here and "rattle the bones" anymore, but I am not about to have some "tread on me" either.

You know my phone number, call me if you calm down, and would like to hear in my on words where I am coming from.

Krusty  -
Posted by Rich Higgins (Member # 3) on June 30, 2005, 08:53 PM:
Ad infinitum, year after year.
Posted by The Outdoor Tripp (Member # 619) on June 30, 2005, 09:11 PM:
Oh, if the blind could only see.

I'm just happy to be here.

[ June 30, 2005, 09:12 PM: Message edited by: The Outdoor Tripp ]
Posted by Krustyklimber (Member # 72) on June 30, 2005, 09:21 PM:

We must have posted at the sae time. [Smile]

You have not changed your attitude... which one?
The one you had three years ago, when I was being trampled on another site? Or the one you had one year ago, when I was at my worst, and spoiling for a fight? Or the attitude you had the night you gave me a time out?

It seems your attitude does change.

You were accused of protecting me, so you "smacked me up-side the head", to prove you had it in you?
Dang, I guess that is a valid reason...  -

Higgings tweaked me first in this thread, so I tweaked back, and yep I can take it... I am back after all.

Yep I am still a senior member, today...
I used to be confident as hell, that I still would be tomorrow.
With one mouse click you changed that for me, and we can't go back to how it used to be, no matter what.
Just a simple fact, not a happy or sad one.

I don't think I ever was actually invited to the campout, and could/would not have attended if I was (because I am not patté), but that's not what's at debate here.

This is not my home, the same way it used to be... sorta like when I go to my dad's place, and see all his stuff in my bedroom... I know it's not "my place" anymore.

My application to The Dark Side has gone unanswered, ya think my reputation precedes me?

Like a coyote pup at dispersal time, I am a nomad, without a territory... [Big Grin]

Krusty  -
Posted by The Outdoor Tripp (Member # 619) on June 30, 2005, 09:25 PM:

A little help please.
Posted by Tim Behle (Member # 209) on June 30, 2005, 09:45 PM:

It sounds like some sort of bean dip.

I bet it goes good with whine.
Posted by Krustyklimber (Member # 72) on June 30, 2005, 09:56 PM:

It's actually spelled paté... it's french, for fancy chopped liver.

Krusty  -
Posted by The Outdoor Tripp (Member # 619) on June 30, 2005, 10:14 PM:

For a minute I thought you all were referring to Patte', a French lass I ran with during the war.

She didn't hold a candle to Irish girlfriend, Patty O'Furniture.
Posted by Leonard (Member # 2) on July 01, 2005, 08:12 AM:
First laugh of the morning. Bean dip.
Thanks, Tim.

Krusty, maybe all you need is a good piece of ass and a dead coyote, in that order?

Okay, you win. This is not your home. I got two emails this morning pleading with me not to ban K.......just in the nick of time, or not? Ain't saying. [Wink]

Good hunting. LB

edit: and, it's goose liver, dude.

[ July 01, 2005, 08:14 AM: Message edited by: Leonard ]
Posted by Krustyklimber (Member # 72) on July 01, 2005, 10:46 AM:

Maybe I do? But actually, I really don't care about coyotes anymore.
A dead coyote would satisfy you guys, way more than it would me.

No, I didn't win anything.
Things are just different now, that's all.
I don't dislike my dad, because I had to go out on my own... and I don't dislike you for sending me out on my own.
In either case, I am on my own now, that's just one of the facts.

E-mails pleading not to ban K... where in the world does that come from?
I hope you didn't ban THEM, like the last time my friends stuck up for me. [Wink] lol
My thanks go out to them, anyways.

Since we're debating etymology, the word paté actually translates to "paste".
Paté de foie gras translates to "paste of liver fat" (it's usually made with goose liver, truffles, and pork fat).
Gras is a broad term, it can be used for "fat", "cheese" or edible (fatty) guts like liver, kidneys, etc.

Krusty  -

[ July 01, 2005, 11:29 AM: Message edited by: Krustyklimber ]
Posted by Kokopelli (Member # 633) on July 01, 2005, 11:24 AM:
Quote;......'all you need is a good piece of a$$ and a dead coyote, in that order.'


First you get the coyote(s), and THEN you visit the ladies and get the beaver(s). Makes you hunt 'harder'.
Posted by Rob (Member # 75) on July 01, 2005, 11:37 AM:
[Big Grin] [Big Grin] [Big Grin]
Posted by Krustyklimber (Member # 72) on July 01, 2005, 11:38 AM:

This coming season will be my fourth year of trying to get my first coyote...

There's no way in the world, I'd put ANYTHING on hold, until I get that job done.

At this point I could happily go on with the rest of my life, and never have a second thought about not killing any coyotes.

krusty  -
Posted by Kokopelli (Member # 633) on July 01, 2005, 01:17 PM:
Ok, Krusty......Anybody who can handcarve calls as nice as you do & go that long without getting a coyote and still not quit must have SOME redeeming qualities.

Therefore.....If you're up for a road trip in mid Oct. to So.E. Oregon, I would be happy to help you try and break your coyote cherry. No guarantees, it's a hunt - not a shoot, but even with drive time you'll stand a better chance for success than you do in that God foresaken rain forrest.

In the meantime.....try
Posted by Cdog911 (Member # 7) on July 01, 2005, 02:22 PM:
This coming season will be my fourth year of trying to get my first coyote...

Now that's a slogan if I ever heard one! [Smile]
Posted by The Outdoor Tripp (Member # 619) on July 01, 2005, 03:07 PM:

End the drought!

Try Texas or Arizona or Idaho or Montana or ... hell, just about anywhere.

We've got gillions of chihuahua chompers down here.

I agree with kokopelli. What the heck you doin' coyote hunting in the rain forest?

[ July 01, 2005, 03:08 PM: Message edited by: The Outdoor Tripp ]
Posted by Leonard (Member # 2) on July 01, 2005, 03:16 PM:
That's why I invited him last year
Posted by Gerald Stewart (Member # 162) on July 01, 2005, 03:20 PM:
Thanks for nothing fella's. I thought this might be an interesting thread if it made Tripp laugh, so I dove in with eager anticipation. Before I was through, I was having flashbacks to my Shade Tree flame war days. I thought those things surely did not happen on this board. Then I saw the date on the earliest threads and hoped that maybe things had gotten better. I recovered OK and did not suffer too greatly.

Then I come back a day or two later and WHAM...there it was. The ugliness had reared it head again and I slipped into a fetal position, sucking my thumb whimpering for my mommy.

It gave me flash backs to the days that drove me off the boards for a couple of years. The days of half truths, no truths, inuendoes, factionalism, distortions, chest thumping, bravado and much more.

I am hopeful though that Jay and Tripp can keep injecting humor in this thread so I can hold on by the finger tips to my belief that this hunting fraternity is made up of good kind decent human beings that can one day say "I'm sorry", forgive each other and have a rousing chorus of Kum-bye-ya. [Wink]

[ July 01, 2005, 03:24 PM: Message edited by: Gerald Stewart ]
Posted by The Outdoor Tripp (Member # 619) on July 01, 2005, 03:25 PM:
Howdy Gerald!

It's good to see you.

Hang on and enjoy the ride. [Smile]
Posted by Leonard (Member # 2) on July 01, 2005, 04:30 PM:
It's all Trip's fault! He brought this thread back from the dead. I hope my parole officer doesn't see this or I'm in big trouble. Gerald, not wise to lend your good name to such nonsense. But, it's that rascal Trip's fault, I wouldn't lie you you.

We didn't mean no harm; I mean... Hey, we made today Krusty Day. Make him feel welcome back home. [Smile]
Posted by The Outdoor Tripp (Member # 619) on July 01, 2005, 04:54 PM:
That's it Leonard, blame the new guy.

It is written:

Those who forget the past are condemned to repeat it.

Here, it appears, those who remember the past are condemned to repeat it as well.

Ya just can't win. [Smile]

-- Proud to be a Krusty Member.

[ July 01, 2005, 04:55 PM: Message edited by: The Outdoor Tripp ]
Posted by Krustyklimber (Member # 72) on July 01, 2005, 04:59 PM:

"Losing my (coyote) cherry" seems to be way more important to you guys, than it is to me, I stopped caring a long time ago.

On the average day, here in the rain forest, I have a greater chance of calling a bobcat, and even a black bear or a mountain lion (and have called at least one of each so far).

Not many callers can say that. [Smile]

I've heard guys say "I'd trade "X" number of coyotes for a chance to call one lion".
I made that trade, that's all, and I don't feel bad about it.


Slogan for what? When I pay PM, to advertise something I don't sell?  -

I've said it before, and this time I'll drop the challenge right in your lap...

ANYONE who can come here, to my county (or the one north of me), and kill three coyotes over three consecutive days (by calling)... I'll EAT the third one!


What the heck am I doing coyote hunting in the rain forest?

Having a good time, most days, if I am actually away from home and work. [Cool]

IF I ever do kill me a mountain coyote, around here, it will be a huge accomplishment.
I will be very very proud of myself.

I take some pride in the fact that I haven't yet given up.

I had a friend, who rode his bicycle from his home in Scandinavia, to Mt Everest... where he climbed the Mountain, retrieved his bicycle from the monks, and rode home. (*he wrote a book, Bicycling to Everest)
His rock climbing partner, and another friend of mine, made a trip all the way around the world under his own power (bicycle, rowboat and kayak, skiing, and hiking).

I bet many times along the way they were asked, "why didn't you just take the easy way?" "you know they have airplanes that fly there?" "are you crazy" and the like.

I think I understand why. [Wink]

Krusty  -
Posted by The Outdoor Tripp (Member # 619) on July 01, 2005, 05:07 PM:

Both those guys going all that way and to all that trouble just to get a coyote.

Hope you get yours soon Krusty.

Happy Krusty day!
Posted by Cdog911 (Member # 7) on July 01, 2005, 05:19 PM:
Leonard, Making us all "Krusty Members" and "Senior Krusty Members" goes beyond the pale. I, sir, am offended and may very well log off.

Happy K.. K... K.. Ah krap, I can't bring myself to say it. G'day.
Posted by The Outdoor Tripp (Member # 619) on July 01, 2005, 05:21 PM:
Hey Cdog,

It's easier if you try singin' it -- worked for Mel Tillis.
Posted by Cdog911 (Member # 7) on July 01, 2005, 06:04 PM:
Pukin' thru your nostrils is all the same, whether you're singing it or not. Thanks anyway.
Posted by Bomba (Member # 71) on July 01, 2005, 06:47 PM:
Bomba not get connection with man, coyote and cherry all in same sentence so Bomba ask Village Chief.

Chief saay:
Man who admit he have cherry, no matter what kind, open himself up to position Chief never want to try before.
Bomba need learn spell better and keep content PG Rated.

Bomba edit one more time and lay off Whooeee Whooeee Juice before typing next time.

[ July 01, 2005, 06:50 PM: Message edited by: Bomba ]
Posted by Rich Higgins (Member # 3) on July 01, 2005, 06:49 PM:
Hiya Gerald, how the heck are you? Running flame threads are a great attractant. Ever the diplomat... but you are right that the members here are a fraternity of hunters. We are also an eclectic cross section of humanity. I recall that Idi Amin was an avid hunter. He especially liked the big predators. Adolf Hitler enjoyed boar hunting. If you apologize to Adolph and forgive him I will do the same with Idi. I'll even join you in a verse or two of Kum-bye-ya. [Big Grin]
Remember the story of the frog and the scorpion?
Here's the one I like.

A kind and gentle lady was strolling along her garden path one frosty morning when she came upon a serpent coiled on the path, almost frozen, dying. Taking pity on it she picked it up and held it to her breast to warm it. When it recovered it bit the the lady, injecting all it's venom. In shock and dying, the gentle lady cried "How could you? I saved your life."
To which the serpent replied, "Come on Lady. You knew I was a snake when you picked me up."

Lance, you're going to hurt yourself. [Smile]
Posted by InjunJoe (Member # 658) on July 01, 2005, 07:43 PM:
Don't worry too much Krusty. I was a member for only a few hours and almost got banned. You must apparently be a mountain ****** . What tribe?
Posted by Leonard (Member # 2) on July 01, 2005, 07:59 PM:
Joe, for most people, it only takes a few hours to figure Krusty out; he likes cheese with his whine.

Good hunting. LB
Posted by InjunJoe (Member # 658) on July 01, 2005, 08:12 PM:
Hours my butt. I have dial-up. I used up Junes hours reading and had to wait until today to get back on.
Posted by Leonard (Member # 2) on July 01, 2005, 08:46 PM:
Wow, you need unlimited access, Joe. I don't know about earthlink, but if you call and tell them you want to cancel, they will probably give you three months free?

Good hunting. LB
Posted by Gerald Stewart (Member # 162) on July 02, 2005, 07:07 AM:
Say Hey Rich.

Hello Tripp, how's the new job?

I hope you guys have something constructive to do for the holiday. I am headed to Austin to meet up with a friend to go over to the WWII IWO JIMA re-enactment that the Admiral Nimitz museum in Fredricksburg is doing several times this summer. Then I am going to the deer lease to mow the cabin yard and refresh my Vita Rack spots in some of our deer feeder pens. Then home for absolutely nothing on Monday.

Have a good holiday guys.
Posted by The Outdoor Tripp (Member # 619) on July 02, 2005, 07:32 AM:

Great weekend for being on the lease. Hope it's not too hot up your way this weekend.

Tell the bats I said hi.
Posted by Rich Higgins (Member # 3) on July 02, 2005, 08:11 AM:
and the owls. Have a good holiday, Gerald.
Posted by Leonard (Member # 2) on July 02, 2005, 08:49 AM:
I hope we win, again?
Posted by Kokopelli (Member # 633) on July 02, 2005, 10:12 AM:
I wonder if any of the "No War"..."U.S. Out Of Iwo Jima" (?) protesters will show up.
Posted by Gerald Stewart (Member # 162) on July 06, 2005, 08:04 PM:
The re-enactment was fun. I was wrong about the Iwo -Jima part of it. What I got to see is put on several times each summer. It was a re-enactment of island warfare from WWII. They recreated the taking of a Japanese island bunker complete with Authentic weaponry ( tank, halftrack, M1 Garands, etc).

They even used the only functional flame thrower used in the state of Texas. I think they said it was 1 of only 4 in the country. When that thing went off you could immediately feel the heat from 40 yards to the side of it. I did not know that the actual function of the flame thrower was to suck the oxygen out of the soldiers lungs rather than burn them.

The Iwo Jima event took place earlier this year on the commeration date of that battle. It included re-enacters from Japan.

We then were treated to a personal tour of the museum. We were allowed to roam at our pace through the museum while the employees wound down the days business. It took my friend Bruce and I an hour and a half to see about a third of the displays. I simply have to go back some time to see the whole thing.

The museum curator related to us what a privilege he has had getting to visit with all of the Vets that come to him to donate their WWII artifacts and share their own personal rememberances with him. They tell him stories they have literally never told anyone since they got home. It is a very emotional trip for him as well as the Veterans.

One of the museum exhibits is a medical quanset hut. This brings out the emotions of many of the vets because their lives were saved in one of those. They start crying and can not stop. I think every 13 year old should have to witness that and then see the re-enactment of those battles. It is emotional to simply walk in and see one of those huts. It is very easy to hear the sounds and visualize the hurried activities of the Nurses and Doctors. Just thinking about it makes me want to smack the first war protestor or Flag burner I see right in the chops...... [Mad]

The lease was hot but a little sun screen and a wide brimed hat got me through that. Bat crap all over the steps to my trailer Tripp....and that wonderful aroma in the cabin.

Back to the real world I did come though. I just experienced my third colonoscopy. 8 polyps this time. Now I get to wait and see if they are all benign like the last 5 some 5 years ago. Cute nurses, a methodical Doctor, some great grape juice afterwards and back home I went for a 3 1\2 hour nap. Tah Tah......... [Wink]

[ July 06, 2005, 08:06 PM: Message edited by: Gerald Stewart ]
Posted by Leonard (Member # 2) on July 06, 2005, 08:52 PM:
I had, I have had a couple of those puppies. I will never do it again, excruciating pain. If necessary, they will have to put me out.

My uncle, died last year, was on Iwo. Part Ojibway 1ndian, he was in a scout type of unit, a BAR man because he was a big guy, and could handle it. He told me once, that nobody wanted to be the flamethrower operator, and that he was mostly assigned to guard the flamethrower, with his BAR. If that pack was hit with a bullet or shrapnel, they tended to explode, like carrying a bundle of dynamite strapped to your back. Every night the Japs would chant from their near positions: "Marines will die in the Morning". He removed and kept a Japanese flag, complete with bullet holes. I have seen it many times. Didn't say so, but I think he killed him. (probably killed a lot of enemy) A good guy, I miss him.

Brutal operation, no doubt. He was also on Bouganville and Tarawa. Not a doubt in my mind, as Tom Brokaw said in his book; "The Greatest Generation".

Good hunting. LB
Posted by Gerald Stewart (Member # 162) on July 07, 2005, 06:39 AM:
They had a BAR at the demonstration. It took a pretty good sized guy to handle it. The soldiers really appreciated that firepower. We changed our strategy later in the war to have three of those guns in each unit rather than one as in the earlier part of the war.

We are loosing that generation rapidly and I for one am going to miss those guys and what they stood for.

My father was a radio operator on a PT boat base in the last year or so of the war. He joined at age 17. When we went into the PT boat display at the museum, they had the one PT boat that was in Dry dock for repairs at New York City when the War ended. It was bought by some veterans a couple of years ago and pulled to Texas and totally refurbished for this museum.

When I related to the Museum people that dad was in the pacific at a PT boat base in the Solomon Islands, they commented that this boat was based out of the only base in the Solomons. That has spurred me to want to see what is in Dad's military record.

Dad never saw any bad action being stationed at the island. At least that is what he was willing to tell us kids. He related that he occassionally would have to hit the fox holes when the island would get strafed by a japanese Zero fighter. He also watched some Kamakazie action from the deck of the boat he was returning to the states on.
Posted by Gerald Stewart (Member # 162) on July 07, 2005, 06:41 AM:
One other interesting fact about the Island warfare. In the early years of the war the Japanese fought from the old model of battle warfare they used to defeat the Russians and Chinese in earlier wars. They used overwhelming numbers with heroic charges to defeat the enemy. They loved the use of swords and bayonets. They believed that the Americans would wither in battle to their character and swordsmenship. They even put bayonets on their machine guns.

They found out that the Americans had superior firepower and were winning all of the close range firefights. They changed their tactics to a defensive tactic later in the war. That is why 64% of the American casualties of the Pacific war occurred in the last 14 months of the war in the Island hopping battles leading up to and including the Lower Japanese Islands of Iwo Jima and Okinawa.

In the early days the guns the Americans used had 4 shot clips in them and the Japanese learned that they could charge when they heard the ping of the metal clip ejecting from the gun. The Americans with their GI ingenuity figured out after they upgraded to 8 shot versions of the same gun that they could pick up one of the ejected clips and toss it against their helmet and the japanese would charge after hearing the ping. The American would then spend the other 4 shots on the duped enemy.

[ July 07, 2005, 07:02 AM: Message edited by: Gerald Stewart ]
Posted by Kokopelli (Member # 633) on July 07, 2005, 03:50 PM:
Leonard, regarding your colonoscopy; GET A NEW DOCTOR. This test is to important to put off because of a bozo like that. When I had mine, it was with the understanding beforehand that I would be 'out'. On the big day, the Dr. showed me the garden hose with the video camera duct taped to the end and asked if I had any questions. I had one; "Why am I still conscious?" He gave a little grin & nod to the nurse.....and it was time to go home. Done deal.

To all; My father died of colon cancer. You don't want to go thru that & you don't want to put your family thru that. Have the test done.

End of rant.
Posted by Leonard (Member # 2) on July 07, 2005, 03:59 PM:
Yes, in fact, I do have a new Doctor, and that's a good part of the reason. I never should have allowed him to do that to me a second time. The worst pain I have ever experienced.

Good hunting. LB
Posted by Melvin (Member # 634) on July 07, 2005, 04:51 PM:
Kokopelli,I had one done just a few days ago..One polyp removed..I was put out.

Leonard,i can imagine the pain that must have been...I had an endoscopy done and they tryed without putting me out"I stopped them"(to much pain)I since had it twice,under anesthesia.

Kokopelli,i agree,all should have it done.
Posted by Cdog911 (Member # 7) on July 07, 2005, 07:09 PM:
I agree. Haven't had it done, but I can see it on the horizon, the way this summer has been for me. Most people shy away from those tests because they're embarassed or uncomortable with the idea of other people messing around "there". Well, let me tell ya somthing, boys. Having worked in health care, it ain't nothing but a thing.

I had a way with old ladies in EMS. Just a talent I guess. I remember gettng toned out early one morning for a "fall". Upon arrival, we found a very self-conscious elderly womnan lying naked on her bathroom floor. She'd just lost her balance when trying to get into the tub and fallen. Bless her heart, she was doing her best to cover herself and here comes two young buck medics, both male. Can't get much shittier than that, huh? As senior tech and unit officer, I took the point and told my partner to wait outside as I shut the door and assessed her condition. First, I told her my name, asked for hers, got her permission to call her by her first name. She sensed my respect for her age as my elder and seemed to relax a bit. I then asked her if I could evaluate her for injuries before we moved her, just in case she'd gotten hurt when she fell. She balked a bit. I assured her she was the fifteenth naked little old lady I'd seen already that morning and that if she would promise me not to be embarassed, I'd promise her that I wasn't either. That made her laugh, she let me do the assessment, I sat her up, got a bathrobe on her, and walked her to her bedroom where her neighbor lady helped her get dressed.

A lot of people -especially men because we don't have to endure gyno exams and stirrups and all the "humiliating" exams endured by women - avoid these exams because of self consiousness, embarassment, and fear. I know this all too well myself. My mom admitted after being diagnosed with stage 5 breast canser that she'd first felt a lump five years prior. She was too scared to deal with it and her fear cost her her life and the chance to meet all but one of her grandbabies.

My dad was stubborn as hell about a "cold" that wouldn't go away. I reminded him that his dad had died a year earlier from congestive heart failure. I got in his face, reminded him that I'd spent my entire life listening to everything he told me and doing what he'd said. I then told him that he was walking in my neighborhood now and that he was to shut the &%*( up and go to the doctor. Otherwise, he might never get the chance to make an ass of himself at his granddaughter's (my daughter's) wedding. He went and was put on the heart transplant list. It was that bad. With proper care, meds, and diet, he came off that list and is doing pretty good these days, all things considered. God willing, I've got a few years left with him because he's the only "grown up" I've got left.
Posted by Melvin (Member # 634) on July 07, 2005, 07:34 PM:
Sorry to hear about you're loss...Maybe your post will help some to understand the importance of having tests done.
Posted by Tim Behle (Member # 209) on July 07, 2005, 08:24 PM:
I had one done a few years ago. It never did help me. I finally quit going to that Doctor as every time I went in, he wanted to stick his finger or something else up my butt.

My tooth still hurts, he was the worst damned dentist I've ever had in my life! [Eek!]
Posted by Rich Higgins (Member # 3) on July 07, 2005, 08:51 PM:
Tim [Smile] Tim [Smile] Tim [Smile] What are we going to do with you?
Posted by Leonard (Member # 2) on July 07, 2005, 09:36 PM:
I don't imagine there's much to pick from, in McNeal? Was he gentle?

Good hunting. LB
Posted by Az-Hunter (Member # 17) on July 07, 2005, 10:00 PM:
I remember Tim relating that story to me. As I recall, Tim claimed he asked the Doc if it would be painful?, the Doc said naw; all you'll feel is a little prick:)
Posted by Jay Nistetter (Member # 140) on July 07, 2005, 10:13 PM:
Posted by Cdog911 (Member # 7) on July 08, 2005, 05:00 AM:
McNeal has one of those combination Veterinarian/ Dentist/ Proctologist/ Podiatrist/ Radiator repair techs? Guess you just hope you get in on the right day, huh?
Posted by Gerald Stewart (Member # 162) on July 11, 2005, 07:02 AM:
I have had 3 lower GI's, 3 colonoscopys and numerous proctoscope exams. You never get used to the procedures because of the modesty most of us have but they can provide for some good stories. Don't have much time for many stories but I will tell you that it is somewhat humbling to have the nurses rooting on your effort to expel huge amounts of air they pump into you during the exam. I had not experienced it as bad previously as I did this time.

I would try and sit up and the stomach pain was pretty intense so I would roll from side to side and try to raise up. When I finally was able to initiate several very long expulsions, the nurses would cheer me on with complementary comments about my success.

They were better farts than I have ever worked up around the campfire, impressive 4 or 5 second rips. They simply went about their business and congratulated me.

I described this in detail to a friend this past weekend who's wife has been trying to get him to go and his reluctance is directly tied to the embarrasement factor. She and I both don't want to lose him because he was simply too modest of a guy.

Because of my history of polyps they are now indicating they want me to come back annually. I am contemplating having the words "Hello again" tattooed on my scrotum just to have some fun with the situation....just kidding guys. [Wink]
Posted by The Outdoor Tripp (Member # 619) on July 11, 2005, 07:12 AM:
Go with a temporary tattoo. Less painful so I hear.
Posted by Leonard (Member # 2) on July 11, 2005, 11:07 AM:
This is an occasion when you begin to wonder about these Texans?

Gerald, perfect solution. Write on your scrotum with a magic marker, a mirror, backwards and upside down. (I'd love to see the video of that little chore)

OR. Trip being a neighbor and a GOOD friend, maybe he could do it for you?

I will say one thing. Your vivid description of the details really brought back memories, and reminded me of my difficulties. I was not able to expell air anywhere near enough to keep up, and that was the entire source of my discomfort.

So, what I wonder is: if they can inject the air, why can't they have some sort of a suction line? Why must the patient be expected to contribute all that effort?

I was able to handle the embarassment part, (barely) but that air pressure is pure murder. PURE MURDER.

Good hunting. LB
Posted by Rich Higgins (Member # 3) on July 11, 2005, 11:49 AM:
Thanks for the graphic visuals, Guys. That sure made me want to jump off the fence and schedule an appointment.
Posted by Jay Nistetter (Member # 140) on July 11, 2005, 11:57 AM:
Is that 32psi for city, light duty?
What is it for the 3/4 ton off-road package?

I was told a couple days ago that it is my turn.
Posted by Cdog911 (Member # 7) on July 11, 2005, 01:35 PM:
It could be worse. A buddy of mine in EMS went in for an appendectomy at the hosiptal where his paramedic unit based out of. During down time in those situations, we'd spend a lot of time just helping out with patient care in the hospital and would get to know the staff pretty well. Anyway, he's a big time K-State Wildcat fan and while under, the OR team shaved his nether regions and drew a quite impressive montage of pro-University of Kansas Jayhawks artwork pretty much everywhere with permanent surgical marker. We didn't get to see any pictures, but his wife assured us that they went "all out".

One thing's for sure, Gerald, they'd treat you well if you did. Theirs is the job of unsung heroes, and they like a good laugh as much as anyone. [Smile]
Posted by The Outdoor Tripp (Member # 619) on July 11, 2005, 01:36 PM:
No thanks Leonard, I don't know Gerald THAT well. It figures comments like that would only come from someone in California.

Expect a hypnotized legion of scrotum-hungry attack squirrels at your door any moment.
Posted by Leonard (Member # 2) on July 11, 2005, 01:56 PM:
Heck, Jay. Don't put it off. If you need it, you need it. Gulp!

I was screaming like a little girl. But, don't let that vivid narative ^ bother you. I think it might be charactor flaw, rather than a physical problem? I'm just unable to expell enough gas?

I'm a big baby at the Dentist, as well; same reason.

My epitath: "He didn't fart enough"

Good hunting. LB
Posted by Gerald Stewart (Member # 162) on July 11, 2005, 04:21 PM:
The reason for their concern is that the intestines can get rearranged in that procedure due to the air filling them up fully. First you are emptied by that wonderful Fleets saline solution that turns your anus into a faucet. Then you get pumped full of air and they just want to make sure there are no perforations that allow the air to get out into your abdominal cavity. I will get off that subject because I do not want to cause some other shy soul to kill them selves by also being shy fool. [Wink]

I got the lab results back today and the three they chose to test were benign like the 5 in 2000. The other 5 this time evidently were too small to worry about (that makes me feel real comforted). Can Cancer only occur in large polyps?

Well that is over for at least another year so now I can concentrate on more prominent ailments like my snap crackle pop joints which I have recently stopped taking my Glucosamine for to see if that is what was causing the numbness in my feet. I had already stopped my Medicine for my irregular heart beat to see if maybe that was causing the numbness. Had to get back on that because my heart would go 90 miles an hour and I would have near fainting spells.

My wife has been trying to tell me that I am just getting old but I can not hear her due to the abusive rock and roll music years and unprotected shotgunning over the years. I know she is saying something important but I do not ask her to repeat it any longer.

I will not go into any length about my Diverticulosis, Receeding gums, failing eyes or other malidies that have beset me in the last 10 years and will end by simply saying that getting old is hell. [Big Grin]

[ July 11, 2005, 04:40 PM: Message edited by: Gerald Stewart ]
Posted by The Outdoor Tripp (Member # 619) on July 11, 2005, 05:11 PM:
What are you Gerald, seven or nine years older than me? Doesn't give me much to look forward to.

I hear Lake Rubbermaid calling.
Posted by Leonard (Member # 2) on July 11, 2005, 05:44 PM:
Yeah, what does that work out to, in dog years?
Posted by InjunJoe (Member # 658) on July 11, 2005, 05:58 PM:
The reason they do it to men is because a woman can't keep her mouth shut long enough to build up the required pressure.

Now that's funny. I don't care who you are.
Posted by Leonard (Member # 2) on July 11, 2005, 06:21 PM:
Yolanda must have made a run into three corners?

edit: got the package, Joe. Thanks, I will use it every day.

[ July 11, 2005, 06:22 PM: Message edited by: Leonard ]
Posted by Gerald Stewart (Member # 162) on July 11, 2005, 06:53 PM:
I'm going to be 51 tomorrow Tripp. The last hunting trip I had where I felt like I could walk away from a much younger man was the Petersburg Alaska trip with you.....come to think of it I did walk away from you on the mud flats....and now that I think about it...I was the one crawling into the thick underbrush on hands and knees looking for your bear.

Now my attitude would be if you want go get it. I will wait at the boat.

I have slipped into a softer routine in my old age.You know... in bed by 10:00pm...nap at noon...nap at 6:00pm is my routine now. I still go to the club every day but do only half what I used tah could.
Posted by The Outdoor Tripp (Member # 619) on July 11, 2005, 07:02 PM:
And what a trip it was. [Smile]

Fond memories.

...and happy birthday!

[ July 11, 2005, 07:06 PM: Message edited by: The Outdoor Tripp ]
Posted by Gerald Stewart (Member # 162) on July 11, 2005, 08:04 PM:
Thanks. Good night Grandpa...good night JohnBoy.
Posted by Az-Hunter (Member # 17) on July 11, 2005, 08:49 PM:
Since all of us are relating probing,poking, flatulence filled old man stuff. My old high school pard,and still my best friend, relates yet another medical anomoly to face a percentage of us in the next few years.
He described in detail via e-mail, the procedure known as a "trans-rectal prostate biopsy". This amounts to you curling up in the fetal position, while looking at a tray full of nine inch needles,pondering where they are goingn to end up. His doctor described the first poke or two as "uncomfortable" , Mike confirmed the docs' description as more than correct. Ten times the needles poke up your pooper, to skewer your prostate, and take a little bite out of each lobe, several times.....gawd, I hate this aging shit:)
Food for thought gentleman, thought you'd like to know what lies ahead!
Posted by Norm (Member # 240) on July 11, 2005, 09:07 PM:
you guys really know how to hijack a thread!!!!

your stories have me thinking that I am going to go down to the local vet and get some castration bands... just let the damn thing shrival up and not have to deal with all this probing in 20 years...
Posted by Leonard (Member # 2) on July 11, 2005, 09:10 PM:
Yeah, thanks! Something to look forward to. What's the update on the cure for your deafness?

Good hunting. LB

edit: Norm, this thread will be what they point to with pride, when asked what it means to "hijack a thread"

[ July 11, 2005, 09:11 PM: Message edited by: Leonard ]
Posted by varmit hunter (Member # 37) on July 11, 2005, 09:15 PM:
Az. It gets worse. Wait till they cut your groin open. Reach in and pull you're testicles out of the sack. Then when they get through with what ever they do. They just cram them back in. You have a different hitch in you're getalong for quite a long spell.
Posted by Jay Nistetter (Member # 140) on July 11, 2005, 10:35 PM:
OK. That's it. I'm switching boards. After reading this I think I pulled a muscle getting out of the recliner too quick and I'm limping over something I haven't even hurt yet.
Posted by varmit hunter (Member # 37) on July 12, 2005, 05:13 AM:
Hell Jay. It took me three years to figure out that when they put them back. The left one was on the right, and the right one was on the left. Now I have to wear left handed underwear. You know how hard that is to find?.
Posted by Gerald Stewart (Member # 162) on July 12, 2005, 06:59 AM:
The first proctoscope exam I ever had was at a teaching Hospital, which I did not realize at the time. The Doctor came in and said hello and that was all I heard because I was on my knees holding on to a padded chair device that the nurse rotated in a manner that pointed my cyclops in an upward manner so the Doc could do his thing. I felt very vulnerable in that position.

During the exam I heard whisperings which I thought was the Doc talking to the nurse. When the proctoscope was turned improperly which caused some considerable discomfort, I heard the Doc say "now you want to turn it this way so you....". It was at that point that I realized that there were at least two working on me so I caste a glance down and backward and to my horror I saw about 6 pairs of feet. That was when I realized that my ass was the object of viewing for anyone who wanted to take a gander at it. They found nothing but hopefully learned a lot. [Wink]

[ July 12, 2005, 07:00 AM: Message edited by: Gerald Stewart ]
Posted by Leonard (Member # 2) on July 12, 2005, 08:02 AM:
Man, you're really into this stuff, Gerald! Padded, rotating chairs, drafty (but casual)classroom atmosphere.

All I can think of is the punchline for the old bear joke......" you don't come here for the hunting, do ya"?

Good hunting. LB
Posted by varmit hunter (Member # 37) on July 12, 2005, 08:04 AM:
Gerald. That is a great time to holler send in my body double, Like the movie stars do.

I was 23 years old when I started loosing a kidney. I wound up in a teaching hospital. My Dr. said, "It does not seem to bother you to be catherised(sp). Do you mind if some students stand in the next time?". My answer proved to be one of many large mistakes in my life. Two hours later 21 students came in the door. Six of them being very attractive girls about my age. I am laying there naked(Talk about time for the body double). They each took there turn with the cocaburr covered tube, as the Dr. stood by and said things like, no back up and push harder. That day words like modesty, humiliation, and embarrassment fell from my vocabulary forever. There is one more story involving a blond, beautiful young med student when I was 55.I can't tell it here, but nether one of us will ever forget it. Yes Sheri,Jay,Rich,and Scott I am expecting phone calls.

STAY away from teaching hospitals.

[ July 12, 2005, 08:06 AM: Message edited by: varmit hunter ]
Posted by Rich Higgins (Member # 3) on July 12, 2005, 08:43 AM:
"All I can think of is the punchline for the old bear joke......" you don't come here for the hunting, do ya"?"

Leonard, Leonard, surgical insertion without need of air inflation or lubricant.
Most excellent. [Big Grin] [Big Grin]
Posted by Jay Nistetter (Member # 140) on July 12, 2005, 01:19 PM:
Since you had an assolectomy, does that mean you're not an A-H anymore?

Just curious. LOL

Bill paid me to say it. You are laughing aren't you?

[ July 12, 2005, 01:22 PM: Message edited by: Jay Nistetter ]
Posted by Gerald Stewart (Member # 162) on July 12, 2005, 01:47 PM:
Quite frankly Jay, I was enjoying this thread until you invoked the BM issue. I just don't know how to respond to that........................................................................................................................................ [Wink]
Posted by Jay Nistetter (Member # 140) on July 12, 2005, 01:57 PM:
Ahhh Gerald.
Just be yourself and pretend he can't read.
You are talking about Bill Middleton aren't you?
Posted by Cdog911 (Member # 7) on July 12, 2005, 03:21 PM:
Hey Norm, Whaddya mean "hijacked this thread". Last week we were talking bad about one kind of a-hole , and this week we're talking bad about another. Where did things get hijacked?!?!?

I know Leonard, back to my corner. But,... I just couldn't pass that one up. [Razz]

(Edited because I got busted by *******'s)

[ July 12, 2005, 03:24 PM: Message edited by: Cdog911 ]
Posted by Norm (Member # 240) on July 13, 2005, 10:58 AM:
well, it may not be hijacked... the overall topic has changed since it started in 2003. several times!!!
Posted by The Outdoor Tripp (Member # 619) on July 13, 2005, 01:01 PM:
Hell, this thread's jumpier than Courtney Love in rehab.
Posted by Leonard (Member # 2) on July 13, 2005, 01:50 PM:
I have always wondered about the fear of "hijacking" a thread? I'm a law and order type of guy, but not a control freak.....
Not that others are; but HM is a free speech zone.

(to a point)

Good hunting. LB

...and it's my singular responsibility to decide where the point is drawn.
Posted by Cdog911 (Member # 7) on July 13, 2005, 02:23 PM:
King Hell Dictator: (n), keeng-hell-dick-tay-ter - He, who by virtue of his position in the social heirarchy of any online bulletin/ discussion board or forum, who has the singular responsibility to decide where the point is drawn in any discussion.

You and I must have the same dictionary.

Just funnin' ya. You do a great job at it.

Tripp, Courtney Love - that's funny. What a skank. [Smile]

[ July 13, 2005, 02:23 PM: Message edited by: Cdog911 ]
Posted by The Outdoor Tripp (Member # 619) on July 13, 2005, 02:37 PM:
Thanks Cdog. It was the best I could do on short notice. [Smile]
Posted by Leonard (Member # 2) on July 13, 2005, 02:38 PM:
Honorable mention: Whitney Houston.


edit: how does he figger we are hijacking this thread?

[ July 13, 2005, 02:39 PM: Message edited by: Leonard ]
Posted by brad h (Member # 57) on July 13, 2005, 03:19 PM:
Castrating band...or Courtney Love?

One of these evils is lesser, but which one?

Norm, I don't know what to think other than there's got to be a better way. [Big Grin]

Posted by Norm (Member # 240) on July 13, 2005, 06:21 PM:
yes, I am thinking that being an eunuch may be less risky as I begin to age...
Posted by Kokopelli (Member # 633) on July 14, 2005, 06:49 AM:
Does this thread become a 'senior member' at 200 replies??
Posted by varmit hunter (Member # 37) on July 14, 2005, 08:34 AM:
Leonard. Did you ever get the invite?

Ever see a train make a 360 degree turn?. (Think about it). Lets see who gets it first. My money is on Norm, and Lance.
Posted by Leonard (Member # 2) on July 14, 2005, 10:48 AM:
Ronnie, don't know what you mean, hope that Norm and Lance do?

Krusty wrote to complain that Lance took a shot at him (above) after I had asked him (K) to stop posting and quarreling; as he was making the natives restless.

I bet you guys think this job is easy, huh? LB
Posted by The Outdoor Tripp (Member # 619) on July 14, 2005, 11:09 AM:
I hereby proclaim this thread a Senior Member.
Posted by Leonard (Member # 2) on July 14, 2005, 11:38 AM:
Undoubtedly, a milestone in civil discourse....
Posted by The Outdoor Tripp (Member # 619) on July 14, 2005, 11:52 AM:
Posted by varmit hunter (Member # 37) on July 14, 2005, 12:03 PM:
Leonard. The only way I could possibly do you're job. Is to be able to reach through the screen and strangle someone once a week.

As you well know I have great admiration, and respect for you. I certainly could not put up with someone like me.
Posted by Krustyklimber (Member # 72) on July 14, 2005, 12:11 PM:

I actually wrote to see if "free speech" applied to me too.

And to discuss poaching. [Wink]

Lance's comment, which makes it seem as if I wasn't the only one asked to tone it down, isn't worthy of a responce, from me.

Krusty  -
Posted by Leonard (Member # 2) on July 14, 2005, 12:23 PM:
Okay, Ronnie. Go ahead. But, just this once.
Posted by NASA (Member # 177) on July 14, 2005, 01:48 PM:
Quote, "Ever see a train make a 360 degree turn?"

No, but when I was a Jr. in high school I remember a train that pulled a 180, about half-way thru the basketball team. [Big Grin]
Posted by Rich Higgins (Member # 3) on July 14, 2005, 03:10 PM:
OK Leonard, that was funny as hell. [Big Grin] [Big Grin]
Posted by Rich Higgins (Member # 3) on July 14, 2005, 03:11 PM:
OK Leonard, that was funny as hell. [Big Grin] [Big Grin]
Posted by Crow Woman (Member # 157) on July 15, 2005, 05:59 AM:
I most definately agree with you Professor Higgins... my first laugh for the day as well [Big Grin]
Posted by Cdog911 (Member # 7) on July 15, 2005, 11:17 AM:
Since I refuse to participate in any discussion directly with K, I will state publicly , as well as remind Leonard, that I was never asked to tone down anything. I did so voluntarily because that's exactly the kind of guy I am. Then again, I can't be trusted all the time to do what's right. And besides, I did go right back to my corner after I opened my mouth.
BTW, you're welcome. Having said that, I didn't point the finger at any particular a-whatchacallit, thus, I think Tim made the paranoid remark at the wrong guy. Now.... back to my corner.


As far as 360 degree trains go, what the hell are you talking about, Ronnie?

[ July 15, 2005, 11:20 AM: Message edited by: Cdog911 ]
Posted by Leonard (Member # 2) on July 15, 2005, 12:45 PM:

Over two years ago, Slydog had his own forum at the bottom of HM, and he was giving out the password and memberships in his club to his friends, and certain members of Huntmasters. The part that I found objectionable was that he was writing in other forums about his exclusive forum, and offering heads up for his members. But, other people were seeing this stuff and feeling left out. And, I was getting complaints about a secret forum.

Well, the simple solution was for me to put a checkmark by the names of his members, and try to control access, to some extent, but he wouldn't consider it. I felt that I should know who had access, but he refused to provide me with the names of those who had his password.

But, the part that got me was that the "Club" forum kept coming up on the other public forums, and I was getting frustrated. So, after asking real nice and getting rebuffed, and waiting; I just decided to dump the forum, which turned the tables, and pissed him off.

That's when Sly went to HUNT TALK. Shortly afterwards, he sweet talked Moosie(?), the board administrator, into giving him an exclusive forum; like he had on Huntmasters, and began handing out secret passwords. It was Deja Vu, all over again.

By the way, at the time, I was offered access by several people, and looked around, but never posted.

So, that's why Moosie changed the actual sub-title of Sly's forum to "The most ignorant place in cyber space". I certainly didn't have anything to do with it, except start this thread, making note of the new name of his secret forum. (which I thought was quite humorous)

Now, when you look at our thread, it seems like I was saying that Sly's forum is ignorant, but all I was noting, was that it was LABELED right on HUNT TALK as the most ignorant place in cyberspace! Again, I had nothing to do with it, at all.

And, here we are, having fun, two years later with the same thread. So, we are guilty of hijacking this thread and joking around, a bit. Now, I suppose the whole thing deserves an explanation. Why? Because some people weren't around then, and don't get it, and who can blame them?

It's just harmless BS, not meant to offend anybody. Sly and I have patched things up long ago, so no worry about that, either.....I hope?

What the hell, keeps us out of those honky tonks, at night; right?

Now go back and review. Maybe it will start making a little sense?

Good hunting. LB

[ July 15, 2005, 12:51 PM: Message edited by: Leonard ]
Posted by DAA (Member # 11) on July 15, 2005, 02:15 PM:
I just want to know about the trains that turn 360 degrees.

Posted by Cdog911 (Member # 7) on July 15, 2005, 02:42 PM:
... and I wanna know when I get my password to the new forum at the bottom of this board. Not paranoid. Just.... curious. (You're talking about me. Aren't you?)
Posted by Krustyklimber (Member # 72) on July 15, 2005, 07:27 PM:
I know Leonard, back to my corner.
This made it SEEM (to me) as if I wasn't the only one asked to tone it down. And you also seemed to KNOW you'd stepped over a line?

My mistake, I guess.

Krusty  -
Posted by Leonard (Member # 2) on July 15, 2005, 09:27 PM:
Rich has seen how this works....

If Lance (somehow) mistakenly got Krusty's password, and Higgins wound up with Lance's password, due to some computer glitch, or something(?) can you imagine the fun?

Let's just act responsibly and we don't have to worry about who said what, to who. My little brother was such a snitch; if that tells you anything.

Good hunting. LB
Posted by Jay Nistetter (Member # 140) on July 15, 2005, 10:20 PM:
One thing I have always wanted to know…
Were there sheep at the ALAMO?
Posted by varmit hunter (Member # 37) on July 16, 2005, 06:02 AM:
I wrote Leonard and explained the 360 train. He just about gave away the answer in the post above DAA's.

I think we all can agree that this post is long enough to be a train.

I asked Leonard "Did you ever get a invite"?. The answer is right in FRONT of you. Don't think like a normal person, but a warped minded Texan. Who by the way has never been on a first name basis with any Sheep. Can the AZ twins say the same?.
Posted by Rich Higgins (Member # 3) on July 16, 2005, 01:49 PM:
Texans don't use first names.
WAAAAAM,BAAAAM Thank you MAAAAAM. Seems to be enough.
Posted by The Outdoor Tripp (Member # 619) on July 16, 2005, 02:06 PM:
NOW I'm feeling the love!
Posted by varmit hunter (Member # 37) on July 16, 2005, 02:49 PM:
Rich. There is know doubt that you are the master of Coyote information for every State. How do you know so much about State by State Sheep relationships?.
Posted by Leonard (Member # 2) on July 16, 2005, 03:11 PM:
A fair question, Higgins. What's the answer?

Good hunting. LB
Posted by Rich Higgins (Member # 3) on July 16, 2005, 04:56 PM:
And it deserves a fair answer.
Ronnie, both your statement and your question give me far more credit than I deserve.
First I am not a master of coyote information of any state. Not even my own backyard.
Second I don't know anything about "State to State Sheep Relationships". I had no idea there was such an association. I had no idea you guys were that organized.
Ignorance truly was bliss. [Big Grin]
Posted by Leonard (Member # 2) on July 16, 2005, 05:18 PM:
But, he told me they have sheep chat rooms, and most of the action was from...........? I forget?
Posted by The Outdoor Tripp (Member # 619) on May 26, 2006, 07:35 PM:
Okay Leonard if this doesn't put the action back in the board, it's time to fold the tent!
Posted by varmit hunter (Member # 37) on May 27, 2006, 03:50 PM:
Trip I can trump this one, but I am going to do something un heard of. I am going to hold my tong. Now when Rich, Sheri, and Jay read this we will loose three more members, because they are going to choke to death.

[ May 27, 2006, 03:53 PM: Message edited by: varmit hunter ]

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