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Posted by TundraWookie (Member # 1044) on October 09, 2009, 05:58 PM:
Since I've personally been honored (attacked) by name on the WT website, I figure I'll keep informing the masses about the lies published by Bill Martz at Wildlife Technologies, since he obviously has no recollection of the facts. No need for anybody but Martz to address this one (if he dares), since nobody else has a dog in this fight, including (TA17rem or TurboRanger). Everything I'm posting is accurate and unlike Martz, I have proof to back it up, rather than just a bunch of mumbo-jumbo ramblings and immature namecalling.
Bill Martz, you do realize that you've published information both online and in brochures in the past don't you? Many people tend to hold onto product literature when they buy things, thank goodness. If you take a long look at your old literature (and websites), you will see that you have many contradicting facts. I'm only going to touch on one of those at the moment and expand on the others when I have time (sound familiar). Don't feel bad if you need to correct the false information on your website, it's totally understandable.

You (Martz) take the time to thoroughly inform everybody about MP3 players, formats, history, and random data on your latest website update. I read it and thought to myself..."Wow, Martz is fairly knowledgeable about MP3 information". Then, I came back to reality and found where you stole it from:

You really should reference where you get information instead of stealing it from Wikipedia's website.

I did however catch where you started blurring the facts (lying) and thought I'd help you out so you don't look so foolish, or so you can change it at least. Here's the part needing correction Bill.

Direct from WT's website:
"We at WT experimented with MP3 in 2001. We found that even when we used the best professional encoders available we could still detect a difference between mp3 files and uncompressed audio files. That is why we only use uncompressed audio in our products. "

That's what you've told the world wide web and 50K plus viewers, correct Bill? You may have done some experiments with MP3, but you did much more than that. Here's the truth and some WT nostalgia for collectors of old WT callers.

If the act of selling products is considered an "experiment", maybe customers should be made aware they're buying some Beta Version test product. If that wasn't the case Bill, then why not just tell people they were buying an MP3 player in (2001?) when you sold it to them? What you're basically saying now is that your customers were your experimental guinea pigs and you sold them $800+ wildlife callers that were 1/11th the quality of true CD audio, while expounding the virtues of CD quality sounds?
Deny it all you want Bill, but you sold MP3 players inside your KAS-2010-A model "black box" and touted it as "CD Quality". The sound files on the Diva MP3 player were 128kbps as well, not even high quality MP3s. In case you forgot, and since I know you'd never make that bet with me on your MP3 caller, here you go. Take a look at it as long as you need and see if it has a CD player in that black box, in case I'm missing something.


Mine isn't the only MP3 caller you sold either, so I guess the "experiment" was fairly widespread. You know your old MP3 callers are still around, but you still had the guts to post on your website that you "experimented" with MP3? You completely left that photo out of your Historic Timeline, but why? You might want to check that timeline out again because you're missing another circuit in the 2001 timeframe. You probably think you're being honest now though because you said "we only use uncompressed audio in our products". Now, or then? As of your last caller, the KAS-2030S, you used uncompressed/protected files, still in 16bit 32kHz format. Then, in 2001, you used 128kbps compressed files (MP3's). I'm sure you have it all figured out in your head Bill, too bad it's not the truth.

WildLie Technologies..."WhiteLies Ahead"
Posted by timbertoes (Member # 604) on October 09, 2009, 07:14 PM:
LOL, that IT? thats the guts of a $$$ WT??
..That thing is just a typical "home project", lol.
If I had bought one of those, I would be pissed as hell.
With 30 years of RF,Video and Audio engineeering experience, that thing is a digikey parts sourced weekend project.

sure am glad I am now 100% hand calls.
Posted by TA17Rem (Member # 794) on October 09, 2009, 08:13 PM:
they were buying an MP3 player in (2001?)
Perhaps this is so but you have to admitt it was still the best caller on the market in 2001... [Razz]
Posted by Possumal (Member # 823) on October 09, 2009, 08:44 PM:
If you admit that anything the Unmentionable One ever produced was the best, you are barking up the wrong tree. He has consistently produced the best pack of lies and misleading statements of anyone connected to the ecaller industry. Maybe he was actually the Tasmanian Devil when he was supposedly working for Walt Disney. He is number one at calling educated people morons and idiots, but that doesn't show any expertise in manufacturing.
Posted by TA17Rem (Member # 794) on October 09, 2009, 08:52 PM:
TundraWookie ; In one of youre posts you mentioned WT as to being a good calling unit and you have nothing against WT but yet in another post you claim that the only reason you buy WT's is for the sounds..
So from what i gathered is youre just another F-P leg humper trying to discredit WT and its owner..

P.S. PossumAl: Bills not lieing on this one you are a moron and idiot...I think the only reason you got to be pro-staff for F-P is because Tundrawookie did'nt want the job and there was no one else to call on.. LOL [Razz]

[ October 09, 2009, 08:54 PM: Message edited by: TA17Rem ]
Posted by TundraWookie (Member # 1044) on October 09, 2009, 10:13 PM:
There you go again, defending your lying buddy Martz. If you were capable of remembering more than one thing you've read, you'd see that I say the WT is a good unit many times. [Big Grin] No surprise you should jump in on this thread defending your lying buddy Martz though, that's why I specifically put your name in it. I don't have anything against the WT products, just the lies and the owners blatant bullying tactics. I do buy WT's for sounds...period. They are good callers, but I don't use them up here because other manufacturers callers work better at -40 temperatures and they have more features that perform better up here. I hope you get a handful of free sounds for being the WT cheerleader of the year. You come to Bills rescue all the time, I don't know what he'd do without you. Maybe you can get on the WT pro-staff or Wildlie Technologies soon to be released "wildlife calling" forum as a moderator. [Roll Eyes]

[ October 09, 2009, 10:14 PM: Message edited by: TundraWookie ]
Posted by TA17Rem (Member # 794) on October 09, 2009, 10:51 PM:
You know it gets pretty old listening to the same record over and over and over. So Bill lied to you and a few other, so what. All manufacture of some sort do it all the time, Ford, dodge, chevy, Rem. savage, Sako, custom call builders, you name it, its just part of marketing to sell there products.. But i forget its youre job to let others know, i suppose F-P sends you a few callers every year to test so they can keep you on there side since everyone knows you are a well known whiner.
Like Bill said you should walk away from the bottle for awhile and get a more productive life..

Maybe you can get on the WT pro-staff or Wildlie Technologies soon to be released "wildlife calling" forum as a moderator.
Nope that shit is'nt for me i just like to call/hunt coyotes. [Big Grin]
Posted by TundraWookie (Member # 1044) on October 09, 2009, 11:40 PM:
You should have just read the original post and kept out of it Tim, you have no dog in this fight do you? I know, you own a WT and like to defend your buddy Martz, so what? It's not the same old record to lots of people, that's the beauty of this thing. There will be more to follow as the lies unfold. I guess we all know where you stand on liars though, thanks for telling us how low your morals are. You're the guy who the advertiser could say is selling a V-8 big block and you'd get a 4 bangar and be happy right, (Because hey....People Lie Right)? [Wink]
FoxPro doesn't give away callers to me and I'm not in anyone's pocket like you seem to be with your lying buddy Martz. Again, why are you in this thread again? gets some everytime.

WildLie Technologies...Just Wavin' and Lyin'
Posted by TA17Rem (Member # 794) on October 10, 2009, 10:21 AM:
Well if you did'nt want anyone else involved in this thread maybe you should of just sent a private message to Bill instead, if he answered back great if not so what... As for Bill he don't owe you anything.. As for what the WT should have or did'nt have dose'nt really matter as long as the caller did what it was designed to do and thats call coyotes and it does a great
job of it..

Maybe you should just have a poll for just the WT cutomers and ask who is SATISFIED with their caller and who is'nt then put all this stupid shit to rest... [Big Grin]
Posted by Bill Martz (Member # 378) on October 10, 2009, 11:58 AM:
Peter Marvin:

"You (Martz) take the time to thoroughly inform everybody about MP3 players, formats, history, and random data on your latest website update. I read it and thought to myself..."Wow, Martz is fairly knowledgeable about MP3 information". Then, I came back to reality and found where you stole it from"

Answer: In 1995, we were the first engineering company in North America to port and restructure the MP3 file format (layer 1 and layer 2) to a stand alone audio player. If you don't understand the preceeding statement, it means that we know the mpeg code inside and out. And that was a full 5 years before mp3 devices were sold commercially. If I would have explained the format in my terms you wouldn' understand it because you are so stupid you shouldn't be alowed to leave your tent.

2- In the year 2001 flash memory was put on world wide allocation with a 6 month wait for product. Being that any portable solid state player or viewer can't be built with out flash memory we intergrated an mp3 player into our product for a 4 month period. The custumers were told exactly what they were getting. Something else you didn,t know Marvin. Why don't you use some of that free tax payers wumpom you get to educate yourself?

By the way, your clan friend and thief that purchased the new model for you won't be recieving one. You could always call me to order a new caller.

Bill Martz
Posted by TA17Rem (Member # 794) on October 10, 2009, 12:54 PM:
By the way, your clan friend and thief that purchased the new model for you won't be recieving one. You could always call me to order a new caller.

LMAO.. Good move Bill..
Posted by TundraWookie (Member # 1044) on October 10, 2009, 01:32 PM:
Sure you told your customers they were getting an MP3 player Bill, keep telling yourself that one. Why didn't you show it on your historic time-line then? It kind of goes against your entire history of "CD Quality" doesn't it? Hard to believe you're so advanced in MP3 file formats, yet your product looked like a home science nightmare job.

You never responded to my last post with the thread from Texas Predator Posse where Mike Dillon calls you out on your lies about your prior KAS-2030 model either...Why is that Martz? Could it be that you're lying yet again? Pathological, that's the term for you Martz.

Do you honestly think I'd try to personally order anything from you again after you tried to steal my KAS-2020 model that I sent you to "trade" in for a newer model? I had to talk to your wife and she reluctantly sent it back to me...good business to try and steal people's property. Didn't you get a lawsuit slapped on your for some stupid thing you tried to pull on a lawyer like that one time?

What makes you think that there is one person who gets me a WT if I want one Bill? You're paranoid old man and going downhill quickly. There's lots more coming soon Bill and the next round is oh so's going to flat out make you spin in circles mumbling for lies to cover it up. At least TA17rem will be there to help you.

You probably just got an extra Squirrel Distress for atta-boying your lying buddy Martz. Pathetic Tim, absolutely pathetic how lame you sound jumping in to toot the liars horn. You gotta do what you gotta do though, right?

-WildLie Technologies....Just Smile and Lie...We'll make up the rest down the road!!
Posted by Bill Martz (Member # 378) on October 10, 2009, 03:18 PM:

"You never responded to my last post with the thread"

I did respond.

1-"You are so stupid you shouldn't be allowed to leave your tent."

2-"Why don't you use some of that free tax payers wumpom you get to educate yourself?"

Bill Martz
Posted by TundraWookie (Member # 1044) on October 10, 2009, 09:18 PM:
Martz the liar,
If you had half a brain you would've read that you didn't respond to the Texas Predator Posse post, not this one, you clown. The one where Mike Dillon debunked your 24 volt caller claim and it being the "Loudest". If you need me to find it for you because you can't remember anything, let me know.
So Bill, you keep talking about the "engineering" company that you're so proud of. What is the name of YOUR engineering company? Don't try to use some company that designs your callers for you to say it's "yours" either. If it's CONTRONIX, then why doesn't your name show up anywhere on the old website? What kind of Engineer are you by the way Martz? What's your North American Engineering Company?
Bill, if you're so sharp on MP3, prove that you were the "first engineering company in North America to port and restructure the MP3 file format (layer 1 and layer 2) to a stand alone audio player"
Chances are this is what your idea of porting and restructuring are:


If you're so brilliant about MP3, why did you have to steal Wikipedia's information to put on your pathetic and typo ridden website? Again, if you were so far advanced with MP3 then, why is it that you've stumbled over "CD Quality" since then? It's 16bit 44kHz Martz, not 16bit 32kHz as you have put on your callers for years. Just admit you lied old man and get it over, you know it's true. I think you're the one who might want to get educated Bill, or at least see a doctor about your pathological lies. I have another bet for you, are you interested? I'll give you killer odds again.

Why is it that your time line on your website is lacking the dremel hack-job MP3 caller? You also missed the MMC Flash KAS-2010-ORC model as well? What year was that one sold, 2001 after the worldwide shortage of flash memory? You're so brilliant, why didn't you just come up with something better than flash media and fully take hold of your "Lightyears Ahead" claim?

WildLie Technologies....The Best Lies....PERIOD!
----Just keep smilin' and lyin'----
Posted by Bill Martz (Member # 378) on October 10, 2009, 11:06 PM:

Mike Dillon didn't debunk anything. He simply stated that he didn't think we developed a 24 volt system. On the other hand, he didn't refute anything else I had to say untill I was prohibited from responding. Then he became quite confident. Why is it that Mike Dillon doesn't respond here or any other board that I post on? Do you really think that Mike Dillon wouldn't file a civil action against our company if what I post on our website wasn't true? Marvin, you're nothing more than a petty thief, lying snitch and a big ass kisser. But how else could you posssible survive in this world?

1-Why is it that stupid people have the biggest ego's? You know, that disrespect me stuff.

2-If you were a man you would stop sucking off of the tax payers and get a real job.

3-Why don't you get some whiskey and take a hike into the bush? As a matter of fact you should ask MIvhntr to go with you. You know, the guy that can't read a map. Then I would know for sure you would never make it back. Oh, I alsmost forgot, take possum man along for security. I would pay good money to see that venture.

Bill Martz
Posted by Cdog911 (Member # 7) on October 11, 2009, 09:24 AM:
Does anyone else really care about this, or am I just alone here? [Confused]
Posted by Briguy (Member # 3471) on October 11, 2009, 11:07 AM:
Yes, I'm finding it to be both educational, entertaining and interesting.

For someone that hasn't been around this stuff that long and seen some of the dynamics that has shaped the industry, this is really good stuff.
Posted by TundraWookie (Member # 1044) on October 11, 2009, 11:23 AM:
CDog and others,
This one's just for Martz the liar since I'm noted on his website and I feel the need to keep pointing out his lies. I hope everybody enjoys this as much as I do, since Martz brought it on himself.

You never answered the questions.
1. Why was your KAS2030MS not CD quality
2. What is YOUR engineering company?
3. Where did the MMC model fall in the history?
4. Why have you touted CD Quality for years but not produced a product that had it?

You're a liar old man and this will go on. All you got is some taxpayer line and ego stuff. Better dig deeper because I know this stuff has to drive you absolutely nuts. Being a pathological liar makes it tough doesn't it?

Edit to add:
Bill, why wouldn't you file a lawsuit against this then?

I'd imagine you have a DAC in your Mighty Atom as well, so the "all digital" claim would be a lie...AGAIN! Maybe I'm wrong, we'll see soon enough. I can't wait to get my Mighty Atom.

WildLie Technologies...Just Lyin' and Tryin'...

[ October 11, 2009, 03:02 PM: Message edited by: TundraWookie ]
Posted by Bill Martz (Member # 378) on October 11, 2009, 03:03 PM:

"Why have you touted CD Quality for years but not produced a product that had it?"

This is the last question I will answer. But, before I do I want you Marvin, to define the term "cd quality". After I see your reply I will then give the correct answer. Let's see how smart you are, snitch.
Posted by TundraWookie (Member # 1044) on October 11, 2009, 04:27 PM:
Martz the Liar who doesn't answer questions

Here's the answer Martz, just as you would define MP3's. Except I didn't steal it and not cite the reference. You're an absolute blundering idiot Martz. Why don't you answer the other questions? Does it hurt to tell the truth? Pay particular attention to the 16bit PCM 44.1kHz portion. You'll probably try to use your monaural sounds as a scapegoat reason since "Monaural audio has no existing standard". You've even touted 16bit 44.1khz data in your brochures. What will be the new definition that you decide to use today? I bet you'll probably claim that you pioneered CD Quality sound and were the first in the universe to use it in some stand alone hack job audio device huh? You change your lies like the wind you Liar.

Direct from Wikipedia.

The logical format of an audio CD (officially Compact Disc Digital Audio or CD-DA) is described in a document produced by the format's joint creators, Sony and Philips in 1980. The document is known colloquially as the "Red Book" after the color of its cover. The format is a two-channel 16-bit PCM encoding at a 44.1 kHz sampling rate per channel. Four-channel sound is an allowable option within the Red Book format, but has never been implemented. Monaural audio has no existing standard on a Red Book CD; mono-source material is usually presented as two identical channels on a 'stereo' track.

The selection of the sample rate was primarily based on the need to reproduce the audible frequency range of 20 Hz - 20 kHz. The Nyquist–Shannon sampling theorem states that a sampling rate of more than double the maximum frequency of the signal to be recorded is needed, resulting in a required rate of at least 40 kHz. The exact sampling rate of 44.1 kHz was inherited from a method of converting digital audio into an analog video signal for storage on U-matic video tape, which was the most affordable way to transfer data from the recording studio to the CD manufacturer at the time the CD specification was being developed. The device that turns an analog audio signal into PCM audio, which in turn is changed into an analog video signal is called a PCM adaptor. This technology could store six samples (three samples per stereo channel) in a single horizontal line. A standard NTSC video signal has 245 usable lines per field, and 59.94 fields/s, which works out at 44,056 samples/s/stereo channel. Similarly, PAL has 294 lines and 50 fields, which gives 44,100 samples/s/stereo channel. This system could either store 14-bit samples with some error correction, or 16-bit samples with almost no error correction.

There was a long debate over whether to use 14-bit (Philips) or 16-bit (Sony) quantization, and 44,056 or 44,100 samples/s (Sony) or around 44,000 samples/s (Philips). When the Sony/Philips task force designed the Compact Disc, Philips had already developed a 14-bit D/A converter, but Sony insisted on 16-bit. In the end, 16 bits and 44.1 kilosamples per second prevailed. Philips found a way to produce 16-bit quality using their 14-bit DAC by using four times oversampling.

Bill Martz..Just Smilin', Lyin', and Tryin' to tell the Truth!

WildLie Technologies...Deceiving Customers for Years...PERIOD!

Bill, since you seem to be having a tough time telling me what CD Quality is, let me remind you what you used to tell everybody it was, direct from you old website.


CD quality playback circuitry. Uncompressed 44.1 Khz sampling-16 bit PCM audio

Is 16bit 32kHz some type of German "CD Quality" standard that only you're privy to? I'll say it once again Bill, just admit you lied and get it over.

[ October 11, 2009, 09:06 PM: Message edited by: TundraWookie ]
Posted by Possumal (Member # 823) on October 12, 2009, 03:20 AM:
"You know it gets pretty old listening to the same record over and over and over. So Bill lied to you and a few other, so what."

As Bugs Bunny used to say at the end of the cartoons, "That's all folks". Anybody following this thread who can't see the signifigance of that statement are in the same sinking ship as old "Unmentionable one". Grab your life jackets boys, just keep smiling and waving!" While you are busy with that complicated chore, why not get out a third grade English book and learn to spell some four letter words correctly. You might want to check out some of the penalties in store for lying and misrepresentation of products or services to customers.
Posted by TA17Rem (Member # 794) on October 12, 2009, 04:43 AM:
why not get out a third grade English book and learn to spell some four letter words correctly. You might want to check out some of the penalties in store for lying and misrepresentation of products or services to customers.

I don't use spell check for a good reason, it pisses some Monsters off..LOL
As for Lying i suppose the boards could have a open flogging for you as well..I don't remember the exact number was it 8 or 10 coyotes you called in on one stand and claimed to kill all of them and yet had no proof of such a great feat. I know if it was me or any other person for that matter would of had taken some pic's for proof. Sorry Dorthy but you ain't in Texas..
Then recently you claim what 50-60-70-80 coyotes a year. I checked youre posts for kill pic's and the numbers just don't add up.. But maybe you did'nt have the camera with you on some of youre stands...LOL [Razz] [Big Grin]

[ October 12, 2009, 04:46 AM: Message edited by: TA17Rem ]
Posted by Leonard (Member # 2) on October 12, 2009, 12:46 PM:
Damn, Tim! Did Bill put you in the will? lol

Good hunting. LB

Cdog, the answer is yes, some people see value in this discusion. Both these guys know one thing for certain; I won't edit something because I agree with one or the other. That, (unfortunately) is rare, on message boards.

The information is strictly for techie weenies, but if you pay attention, you might learn something. (not you, Tim) just kidding....I'm not taking sides, really!

Good hunting. LB
Posted by coyote whacker (Member # 639) on October 12, 2009, 01:39 PM:
Hey Bill was seeing if you can answer the question posed on the other thread for me. What watt speaker and amp will the atom have seeing how it can handle 21 volts of power? Will it be a 20 watt amp/speaker 30 or higher? Thanks CW
Posted by TA17Rem (Member # 794) on October 12, 2009, 02:09 PM:
Its been raining or snowing here Leonard so work has come to a halt for the time being and only pheasant season is open so i'm just hanging around and passing the time.. [Razz]
Posted by coyote whacker (Member # 639) on October 12, 2009, 02:55 PM:
Then Tim you should be out putting that WT to it's use!!!!!!!!!!

[ October 12, 2009, 02:55 PM: Message edited by: coyote whacker ]
Posted by TA17Rem (Member # 794) on October 12, 2009, 03:02 PM:
I was out fri. and then today.. Way to much cover here for calling and alot of my areas have a good population of fox this year and that season is'nt open yet so i'll wait till more of the crops are out and the fox season opens. Plus i have to save my pennies for a new caller.. [Big Grin] [Razz]

[ October 12, 2009, 03:05 PM: Message edited by: TA17Rem ]
Posted by coyote whacker (Member # 639) on October 12, 2009, 03:06 PM:
Come on Tim that WT should suck those coyotes right out of the corn and into your lap, sorry not buying that excuse. Oh I see your going to save up some cash for the New FoxPro Prairie blaster or get a 15 watt cs-24 [Big Grin]

[ October 12, 2009, 03:07 PM: Message edited by: coyote whacker ]
Posted by TundraWookie (Member # 1044) on October 12, 2009, 03:20 PM:
Thanks for the great website where you don't edit things. I think this thread is about at the end of its life for the time being (maybe not though). This thread probably doesn't mean much to many of the readers here, since many are veteran callers with more years calling than I've been alive. The new age of predator hunters though are the "techie weenie" types as you like to call them. They're going to do their homework, typically online and find that Bill Martz and his company is blowing smoke. Lots of these younger guys contact me directly to talk about callers. I've never once told them that a WT is a bad caller. When it comes down to it, it's not a bad caller at all. It's the lies, and bogus and deceiving information put out by Bill Martz that will lose him sales, no matter what his caller can or can't do.

The Silence is deafening you LIAR. Where is your witty comeback on this one? Be certain that there will be more to come on your history of lies. Keep my name on your website and make sure to add more when you get time, because it'll come back to bite you tenfold, I guarantee it old man.

WildLie Technologies.
Owned and Run by a Liar......PERIOD!
Deceiving Customers for Years....PERIOD!
Bullying customers and ex-customers for years...PERIOD!

Just Wavin', Smilin', Lyin', and Cryin'...PERIOD!
Posted by TA17Rem (Member # 794) on October 12, 2009, 03:51 PM:
Come on Tim that WT should suck those coyotes right out of the corn and into your lap, sorry not buying that excuse. Oh I see your going to save up some cash for the New FoxPro Prairie blaster or get a 15 watt cs-24
I don't know about where you are at but here the corn is still pretty much green and to thick to see down the rows so it dose'nt pay to try and call in a coyote if you can't see it and since deer season is approaching fast i can't just go and call any corn field.. Some of the farmers leave there corn in certain areas and save it for deer season to hunt..Even if i called one of these fields and scared the deer out they would still come back the next day, but you can't tell the farmer that..LOL
As for the last comment. NO! i don't think so.. [Big Grin]
Posted by TA17Rem (Member # 794) on October 12, 2009, 08:44 PM:
I got this from another site which was posted by a die-hard F-P owner
I was wondering if you guys think all this encoding makes noises noisy?

Seems my old WT non-encrypted sounds are much clearer then the new encoded WT sound and the FXP sounds.

TundraWookie?????????????????? [Eek!] [Eek!]
Posted by TundraWookie (Member # 1044) on October 12, 2009, 10:40 PM:
Encrypted sounds have nothing to do with the quality of sounds on the KAS2030MS models. It's poor circuit design and probably overpowering the amp or trying to drive it a bit too hard to get that 3 to 5 times as loud as anything on earth lie. Maybe the brilliant Martz will tell us why his prior model has white noise in it? All of the one's that I've heard have it and they're not near as loud as the older KAS2020, 2010 models. Hope that helps.

What happened to you telling me what "CD Quality" is? You're still a LIAR in case you thought anybody forgot.

Wildlie Technologies..and Martz...The Man, The Myth...THE LIE!
Posted by TheHuntedOne (Member # 623) on October 13, 2009, 05:52 AM:
A fanatic is one who can't change his mind and won't change the subject.

Winston Churchill

[ October 13, 2009, 05:57 AM: Message edited by: TheHuntedOne ]
Posted by TA17Rem (Member # 794) on October 13, 2009, 06:31 AM:
Seems my old WT non-encrypted sounds are much clearer then the new encoded WT sound and the "FXP sounds".

This person is talking about the F-P that he has down-loaded WT and F-P sounds onto..
Posted by TundraWookie (Member # 1044) on October 13, 2009, 07:35 AM:
Thanks for that tid bit of advice, you're a true scholar.

If your "friend" tried recording his WT sounds off the caller, they're not clear because of the white noise coming out of the thing that was captured in the sounds. The original non-encrypted sounds will be the best quality that you could get. The WT encrypted .WTX files won't play on the FoxPro either. Hope that helps.
Posted by Leonard (Member # 2) on October 13, 2009, 07:53 AM:
Help me out. Is jolly old Winston saying that a FANATIC is a bad person?

Actually, my father called me something similiar concerning my penchant for chasing coyotes? I'm not sure if he meant; instead of girls?

Good hunting. LB

Hey, PS

If your "friend" tried recording his WT sounds off the caller, they're not clear because of the white noise coming out of the thing that was captured in the sounds.
Do you mean with aligator clips on the speaker wires, or using a microphone in front of the FP speaker, or extracting the data from the storage device via a computer?
Posted by TheHuntedOne (Member # 623) on October 13, 2009, 09:01 AM:
I think, Leonard, Jolly Old Winston is trying to say that Tundrawookie sounds like an old 8 second sound loop stuck on repeat for the last 3 or 4 years.

As for what your father said, I wont comment on your choice of fur chasing in your younger days. It seems to me, you made the right decisions in that you ended up being one heck of a coyote hunter, and still had a beautiful and lovely wife. Two out of two ain't bad.
Posted by TundraWookie (Member # 1044) on October 13, 2009, 10:34 AM:
Direct line out from the caller, that's where the biggest white noise will show itself. If somebody has really good recording equipment, they could probably record it at about 4-5 feet away from the speaker and not hear it in the sounds, but again, it won't be near as good as the original 16bit 32kHz sound files from the old KAS-2010 models.

Are you offended that I'm telling you your neighbor Martz is a Liar(because he is)? Does a manufacturer slandering an individual on a website seem like a wise thing to do to you? You don't have to read everything I write, I'm not forcing you or anybody to. Or are you just trying to get your jabs in because your feelings were hurt because I argued with you about WT's old FRS remote legaility issue? Get over it Marine, you're tougher than that I hope. If you want, I can show you several instances where WT blatently was using illegal FRS remotes. Maybe you and Martz can pool together some pennies and make a wager with me? I'll let you two pick any odds you want.

Still waiting on your definition of "CD Quality". I'll have a technical question for you too and will test how smart you are...You LIAR!
Posted by TheHuntedOne (Member # 623) on October 13, 2009, 02:50 PM:
I'm beginning to think there was something Freudian behind how you chose your handle here on Huntmasters.

The way I remember it, a Wookie, was nothing more than a big dumb monkey that Hans Solo kept around for muscle.

So.....does that mean you see yourself as FoxPro's big dumb muscle monkey?

Because I think you're just a little Ewok acting tough.


[ October 13, 2009, 02:57 PM: Message edited by: TheHuntedOne ]
Posted by TundraWookie (Member # 1044) on October 13, 2009, 03:02 PM:
Maybe it was Freudian, maybe just a jab at humor that blew over your head. Either way, if I'm a big dumb monkey, I'm sure outwitting both you and your New Hampshire lying neighbor Martz without much effort. What's that make you then, an Amoeba? I'm not fighting for FoxPro, Minaska, or Johnny Stewart, just the "technie weenie" gang wanting to know the honest truth about e-callers. It's surprising how many of the techie type people like to predator hunt too. Cute Ewok picture, that little dude put the hurting on the big bad guys too. Kinda like me with Martz I guess you could say. [Cool]

What rock are you hiding under, this little Ewok who lives in a tent wants to hear your answer about "CD Quality"?
Posted by coyote whacker (Member # 639) on October 13, 2009, 03:42 PM:
technie weenies of the calling world gets round one. Come on Bill there are people waiting for a response and to begin round 2!!!!! You don't want to lose by TKO do you?

I'm waiting so I can pop the popcorn this is almost as good as a football game or it was [Big Grin]

What can I say a slow Tuesday!!!!!!

[ October 13, 2009, 04:01 PM: Message edited by: coyote whacker ]
Posted by Leonard (Member # 2) on October 13, 2009, 03:42 PM:
I can give him any CUSTOM TITLE you prefer, but I can't change his (original) screen name.

That's (IF) TW approves your custom title suggestion. And, I don't see why he wouldn't, since it's purpose is to make you feel a lot better?

So, it would look like this:

member #XXXX

Let me know, k? LB
Posted by TundraWookie (Member # 1044) on October 13, 2009, 04:31 PM:
Hmmmmm...this is a tough decision.."Weenie" sounds like it's a German based word (Wiener Schnitzel). I wouldn't want anybody to think that I'm siding with the Uber German/US Martz machine, so how's about this one instead? Once Martz the liar starts to win a few rounds and stops his lying we can change it.

Northern Techie Boxer

Why are you so quiet? Cat (Bobcat or Lynx) got your tongue? Better hurry up because I have another piece of info for you to work on this evening. You really should've just accepted my apology on the recording equipment and kept my name off your skewed website old man.

Anybody else trying to help Martz. Get a clue, the guy is a liar, defending him puts you in the same category. I'm the one personally named on his website, so let me box this clown by myself.

WildLie Uber Caller....Brought to you by a published Liar..PERIOD!
Posted by TheHuntedOne (Member # 623) on October 13, 2009, 05:15 PM:
I think Tundra Wookie is getting a little hot under the collar

Posted by TheHuntedOne (Member # 623) on October 13, 2009, 05:18 PM:
"Use a WT at your own risk in Alaska" rants Tundra Wookie

Posted by TheHuntedOne (Member # 623) on October 13, 2009, 05:20 PM:
Watch Out! He's as dangerous as those damn North Koreans


[ October 13, 2009, 05:22 PM: Message edited by: TheHuntedOne ]
Posted by Leonard (Member # 2) on October 13, 2009, 05:57 PM:
24 hour test
Posted by TA17Rem (Member # 794) on October 13, 2009, 06:51 PM:
TundraWookie: Either you need help with youre reading skills or you are drunk again..

The guy with the problem posted it on P.M. and you have not responded to his question there or here..
So lets try this one more time..
The guy with the problem has a older model WT that he has pirated the sounds off of and has loaded them into his NEW FOX-PRO along with his F-P sounds.

His remark: (Seems my old WT non-encrypted sounds are much clearer then the new encoded WT sound and the FXP sounds)
DiD he buy a lemon or do all the F-P have this problem????? [Roll Eyes] [Roll Eyes]
Posted by TundraWookie (Member # 1044) on October 13, 2009, 08:35 PM:
Those are funny one's, I've seen them before, but you get a B+ for effort. If you had done your own creative editing you might have gotten an A. So you didn't answer me on that bet about the FRS remotes?

His remark: (Seems my old WT non-encrypted sounds are much clearer then the new encoded WT sound and the FXP sounds)

Answer (Part 1): The original WT sounds will be clearer than the encrypted .WTX files. The 2030MS model WT has a horrible white noise and the guy had to know what he was doing to get them off the caller or crack the Hex coding on them. Not a big deal for somebody familiar with encryption/decryption, but most people won't go through the effort.

DiD he buy a lemon or do all the F-P have this problem?????

Answer (Part 2): What's the problem, he's comparing Original WT files to Encrypted WT files he copied/recorded, or whatever he did.
He's comparing FoxPro .FXP files to NOTHING, unless he somehow got original files, which I'm doubting. If he doesn't have original FoxPro files, how does he know what is or isn't clearer?

If you want me to draw it for you, let me know.
Have you chatted with your lying buddy Martz lately? I guess I must have answered his "CD Quality" question right and now he's retreated back under the rock he slithered out from.

If you have any more questions, just let me know, I'm more than happy to help.

TA17rem.....Looking for Lying Friends to hang out with and be buddies with!

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